
#ideally you would only run this if the operating system is windows
#there is some info here:
#but I can't check it without a windows computer
#You should be able to write something like:
if(['sysname'] == "Windows") {extrafont::loadfonts(device="win")}

Load data

#this is better because it will work for anyone that has your package installed 
#and therefore is more reproduciable.
load(system.file('rawData/counts_raw_and_log_180112.rda', package = "sp.scRNAseqAnalysis"))
load(system.file('rawData/counts_ercc.rda', package = "sp.scRNAseqAnalysis"))

#remove .htseq suffix
colnames(counts) <- str_replace(colnames(counts), "(.*)\\.htseq$", "\\1")
colnames(counts.ercc) <- str_replace(colnames(counts.ercc), "(.*)\\.htseq$", "\\1") 

#Select Singlets
s <- grepl("SRR", colnames(counts)) | grepl("Singlet", colnames(counts)) | grepl("NJA00102", colnames(counts)) | grepl("NJA00103", colnames(counts)) | grepl("NJA00104", colnames(counts)) | grepl("NJA00109", colnames(counts)) | grepl("NJA00204", colnames(counts)) | grepl("NJA00205", colnames(counts)) | grepl("NJA00206", colnames(counts))


#Create Objects with multiplets and Singlets
#cObjSng <- spCounts(counts[, s], counts.ercc[, s])
#cObjMul <- spCounts(counts[, !s], counts.ercc[, !s])

#Plot Fraction of ERCC in Multiplets and Singlets (Works poorly due to no ERCC in Regev data)
#plotCountsERCC(cObjSng, cObjMul)

#I fixed this now in devel version Samples that have no ERCC reads should have them set to NA instead of 0. Setting them to NA will give a warning when building the spCounts objects but that is ok.
counts.ercc[, grepl("SRR", colnames(counts.ercc))] <- NA
cObjSng <- spCounts(counts[, s], counts.ercc[, s])
cObjMul <- spCounts(counts[, !s], counts.ercc[, !s])
plotCountsERCC(cObjSng, cObjMul)

# Plot Number of Cells expressing both of selected markers
plotCountsMarkers(cObjSng, cObjMul, markers = c("Alpi", "Reg4"))


#Create tSNE and plot with Mlcust clusters as well as gene expression

uObj <- spUnsupervised(cObjSng)
plotUnsupervisedClass(uObj, cObjSng)
#even though the seed is set by default I would: plotUnsupervisedClass(uObj, cObjSng, seed = 438923)
plotUnsupervisedMarkers(uObj, cObjSng, markers = "Lgr5")
plotUnsupervisedMarkers(uObj, cObjSng, markers = "Olfm4")
plotUnsupervisedMarkers(uObj, cObjSng, markers = "Alpi")
plotUnsupervisedMarkers(uObj, cObjSng, markers = "Muc2")
plotUnsupervisedMarkers(uObj, cObjSng, markers = "Lyz1")
plotUnsupervisedMarkers(uObj, cObjSng, markers = "Reg4")
plotUnsupervisedMarkers(uObj, cObjSng, markers = "Ptprc")
plotUnsupervisedMarkers(uObj, cObjSng, markers = "Dclk1")
plotUnsupervisedMarkers(uObj, cObjSng, markers = "Mboat1")
plotUnsupervisedMarkers(uObj, cObjSng, markers = "Chga")
#would be good to write what cell type these markers correspond to

New classification

#Manually Create New Clusters by deducing cell types based on gene expression in clusters
classification <- getData(uObj, "classification")
names(classification) <- getData(uObj, "tsne") %>%

SI.Stem <- names(classification)[classification %in% c("A1", "J1", "K1", "N1", "T1")]
SI.TA.Cells <- names(classification)[classification %in% c("R1", "C1", "B1")]
SI.Enterocyte.Progenitor <- names(classification)[classification %in% c("E1", "Q1")]
SI.Early.Enterocyte <- names(classification)[classification == "G1"]
SI.Late.Enterocyte <- names(classification)[classification == "M1"]
SI.Paneth <- names(classification)[classification %in% c("P1", "O1")]
SI.Goblet <- names(classification)[classification %in% c("F1", "L1")]
Blood.Cells <- names(classification)[classification == "D1"]
SI.Tuft.Cells <- names(classification)[classification == "H1"]
SI.Enteroendocrine <- names(classification)[classification == "S1"]
Colon <- names(classification)[classification == "I1"]

#tSNE for colon cells
cs <- colnames(counts) %in% Colon

#Colon object
colcObjSng <- spCounts(counts[, cs], counts.ercc[, cs])

#tSNE for Colon cell and expression of markers
C.uObj <- spUnsupervised(colcObjSng)
plotUnsupervisedClass(C.uObj, colcObjSng)
plotUnsupervisedMarkers(C.uObj, colcObjSng, markers = c("Lgr5"))
plotUnsupervisedMarkers(C.uObj, colcObjSng, markers = c("Muc2"))
plotUnsupervisedMarkers(C.uObj, colcObjSng, markers = c("Car1"))

#Select and rename clusters according to cell types in colon
C.classification <- getData(C.uObj, "classification")
names(C.classification) <- getData(C.uObj, "tsne") %>%

C.Stem <- names(C.classification)[C.classification == "B1"]
C.Goblet <- names(C.classification)[C.classification == "C1"]
C.Colonocytes <- names(C.classification)[C.classification == "A1"]

#Organize new classifications and insert them into uObj which contains all cells
celltypes <- data.frame(
  Samples = c(
    SI.Early.Enterocyte, SI.Enterocyte.Progenitor, SI.Enteroendocrine, 
    SI.Goblet, SI.Late.Enterocyte, SI.Paneth, SI.Stem, SI.TA.Cells, 
    C.Colonocytes, C.Goblet, C.Stem, SI.Tuft.Cells, Blood.Cells
  class = c(
    rep("SI.Early.Enterocyte", length(SI.Early.Enterocyte)), 
    rep("SI.Enterocyte.Progenitor", length(SI.Enterocyte.Progenitor)), 
    rep("SI.Enteroendocrine", length(SI.Enteroendocrine)), 
    rep("SI.Goblet", length(SI.Goblet)), 
    rep("SI.Late.Enterocyte", length(SI.Late.Enterocyte)), 
    rep("SI.Paneth", length(SI.Paneth)), 
    rep("SI.Stem", length(SI.Stem)), 
    rep("SI.TA.Cells", length(SI.TA.Cells)), 
    rep("C.Colonocytes", length(C.Colonocytes)), 
    rep("C.Goblet", length(C.Goblet)), 
    rep("C.Stem", length(C.Stem)), 
    rep("SI.Tuft.Cells", length(SI.Tuft.Cells)), 
    rep("Blood.Cells", length(Blood.Cells))

newclass <- celltypes[match(rownames(getData(uObj, "tsne")), celltypes$Samples),]
newclass <- as.vector(newclass$class)

devtools::use_data(celltypes, overwrite = TRUE)

#!!!It would be much better to save the celltypes variable instead of the newclass variable since the sample names are not included in newclass!!!
#Can you also save the uObj? We may remove it in the future but this might save us some time for now.
#devtools::use_data(newclass, overwrite = TRUE)

uObj@classification <- newclass

#Plot tsne with new clusters

plotUnsupervisedClass(uObj, cObjSng)

#Calculate new means for groups

tsneMeans(uObj) <- tsneGroupMeans(getData(uObj, "tsne"), getData(uObj, "classification"))
groupMeans(uObj) <- averageGroupExpression(cObjSng, getData(uObj, "classification"), weighted=FALSE)

#Set Uncertainty to 0 and attempt to identify cell composition of multiplets

uncertainty(uObj) <- rep(0, length(getData(uObj, "uncertainty")))
uObj_countsMgfpRegev <- uObj
devtools::use_data(uObj_countsMgfpRegev, overwrite = TRUE)

spSwarm I set eval = FALSE in the following "chunk" so that the spSwarm method is not run when knitting. I.e. the code is only there to show what was previously done.

sObj <- spSwarm(cObjMul, uObj, distFun = "dtsnCellNum", e = 0.0025, cellNumbers = estimateCells(cObjSng, cObjMul), swarmsize = 500, maxiter = 1000)
plotSwarmGraph(sObj, uObj)

#Check false positives by seeing how many of multiplets contain cells from both SI and Colon

fp <- getMultipletsForEdge(sObj, edges = data.frame(to = "C.Stem", from = "SI.Stem"), edge.cutoff = 0)

sObj_countsMgfpRegev <- sObj
devtools::use_data(sObj_countsMgfpRegev, overwrite = TRUE)
devtools::use_data(fp, overwrite = TRUE)

#sObj <- spSwarm(cObjMul, uObj, distFun = "distToSliceNorm")
#plotSwarm(sObj, uObj, cObjSng, cObjMul, type = "tsne")
#plotSwarm(sObj, uObj, cObjSng, cObjMul, type = "heat")
#tsne <- getData(uObj, "tsne")
#plot.nice(tsne, gene.vals=counts.log, genes=c("Lyz1", "Alpi", "Lgr5", "Reg4", "Dll4"), cex=2)

nathanaelandrews/sp.scRNAseqAnalysis documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:02 a.m.