  comment = "#",
  eval = F,
  options(repos="" )


Is a light-weight tool for tracking R packages. It sits somewhere between reprex and packrat and revolves around CSV files to store key package information.

The main goal of sesh, is to make it simpler to reproduce R code. The ability to restore specific versions/commits of packages, is security for rapid development. And sesh doesn't require anything beyond an Rscript, no Docker, external managers or RStudio projects.



The concept behind sesh is being able to record information about specific package versions for sharing with others, including your future self.

Using sesh as part of your workflow gives you extra a little extra reprodu-security at the individual Rscript level.

It is very similar in aim to packrat, but doesn't tie you into a RStudio Project. Instead of re-installing all of the required packages for each project, sesh checks against currently installed versions and builds a disposable library path for itself in ~/.Trash/ if matching versions are required.

It does not touch R's deafult package search path.


We start by loading forcats and tibble from their current CRAN versions, just so we have some packages beyond R-core.

library(forcats) # v0.3.0
library(tidyr) # v0.8.1
Saving critial packages for your script

session_info() is an improvement on sessionInfo() for readability, but is still fairly verbose.

sesh aims to filter this output to only the attached packages. It also captures information about the current R-core version.


This dataframe is the essense of sesh, a light, easy to share, record of your R session's essential information.

Saving your sesh

To save your current sesh(), use save_sesh().

It will record the vital information to re-load all of your attached pacakge@verions and write it to disk as a CSV.


The default path, is set up to name the output as "sesh_$SYS-DATE.csv". But it uses the glue package to paste together R variables, so you could include custom gloabls to fit your tastes.

Checking out an old sesh

Just to show off the tools, let's re-check the CSV we just saved for our current sesh.

The function check_sesh() will compare the currently loaded/installed package versions against a sesh record. It will report which packages are already loaded, installed or require installation.

check_sesh("sesh_2018-08-19.csv") # check against currently installed versions

This just confirms our current session info matches the session info we saved two seconds ago, duh.

Simulated time travel

Let's pretend we are visiting a past script and let's pretend we wrote that past script sometime after forcats intial realse, Aug 29, 2016.

To re-create this scenario, we will re-install two common cases:

devtools::install_version("forcats", "0.1.0", reload = F)
devtools::install_github("tidyverse/tidyr@bd0c6b09052e91a4d283b2be6c8d3c5a6769b910", reload = F)

It is a good idea to restart your R session whenever you install an already attached package, like now.


Ending time warp

Bringing us back to back to now.


Pretend pick up

So now let's pretend we are picking up that year-old, dusty script.


Sure, we are a little nervous because perhaps by upgrading our package versions we have inadvertantly broken something.

But our new found seshabilities make dealing with diffs simple and straight forward.

Check list

In order to see what pacakges are differnt between the "old script" and our library today, use check_sesh.


That's shows us the difference between our currently installed versions and the "past" versions.

The function install_sesh() will re-install matching versions. By looking at source and version, it will attempts to install the sesh version in ~/.Trash/ and tell you if it was succesful. By keeping a temporary library in ~/.Trash/, sesh contains conflicts and doesn't take up disk space long term, because macOS deletes any files in there after 30 days.

sesh does not touch .libPaths(), so it will not interfer with your globally installed package versions.


Great, now we have the the right package versions installed to rerun our "old" script, but as it sits right now the matching versions are not loaded.

We need to call sesh_load() to attach them. We should also restart the R session again because we re-installed loaded packages.


And re-checking we see...


All that is left to do now is source that old script!


When you are done working with the past sesh versions, you can go back to your current global versions immediately. Just restart your R session and attach your libraries like normal.

There is also the helper function unload_sesh() to do this without restarting, but it's vunerable to dependencies,




nathancday/sesh documentation built on July 8, 2019, 2:06 p.m.