Man pages for nathanesau/makehams
Ultimate Select Survival Model (AMLCR)

annxEPV of Annuity
AxEPV of Insurance
cfmChange Survival Model to CFM
createInsuranceTableCreate Insurance Table
createLifeTableCreate Ultimate Select Life Table
dNominal rate of discount
dannxEPV of a Deferred Annuity
dAxEPV of a Deferred Insurance
demoivresChange Survival Model to DeMoivre's
glGlobal variables Environment
gl.aAssign global varaiable value
gl.gRetrives global variable value
iEffective Annual Interest Rate
makehamsChange Survival to Makeham's
tExActuarial Present Value Factor
thVBenefit Reserve
tpxSurvival Function
tqxCDF of Future Lifetime
udeferredtqxDeferred CDF of Future Lifetime
uxtForce of Mortality
vPresent Value Factor
wLimiting Age
nathanesau/makehams documentation built on May 23, 2019, 12:19 p.m.