API for nathoze/Rsero
Estimate the annual force of infection using serological data

Global functions
.onLoad Source code
ColVar Source code
FOImodel Man page Source code
RowVar Source code
Rsero Man page
Rsero-package Man page
SeroData Man page Source code
add.quantiles.text Source code
category.parameters Source code
combine_ind_by_age Source code
combine_surveys Man page Source code
compute.age.groups Man page Source code
compute_information_criteria Man page Source code
correlation_posterior Man page Source code
cumsumfromright Source code
find.category Source code
fit Man page Source code
foi_from_proba Source code
model.list Source code
parameters_credible_intervals Man page Source code
plot.FOIfit Man page Source code
plot_histogram Source code
plot_posterior Man page Source code
print.FOIfit Man page Source code
print.FOImodel Man page Source code
print.SeroData Source code
print.information_criteria Source code
proba_from_foi Source code
proportions.index Source code
sero.age.groups Source code
seroprevalence Man page Source code
seroprevalence.fit Man page Source code
seroprevalence.plot Man page Source code
simulate_SeroData Man page Source code
subset.SeroData Man page Source code
summary.FOIfit Man page Source code
testInteger Source code
traceplot_Rsero Man page Source code
nathoze/Rsero documentation built on June 28, 2024, 10:22 a.m.