Man pages for nathoze/Rsero
Estimate the annual force of infection using serological data

combine_surveysCombine serological surveys
compute_information_criteriaCompute the AIC, DIC and WAIC
correlation_posteriorPlot the correlation matrix of the output
fitFit force of infection models to serological data
FOImodelModel of the force of infection
parameters_credible_intervalsAnalyse a FOIfit
plotPlot the force of infection
plot_posteriorPlot posterior distribution
Rsero-packageRsero: Estimate the annual force of infection using...
SeroDataCreate a dataset containing the serological data and other...
seroprevalenceCompute the seroprevalence
seroprevalence.fitPlot the fit of the seroprevalence vs. age
seroprevalence.plotPlot the seroprevalence by age
simulate_SeroDataSimulate a serological survey
subset.SeroDataCreates a subset of a serological survey
traceplot_RseroMarkov chain Traceplot
nathoze/Rsero documentation built on Jan. 27, 2025, 7:24 a.m.