Man pages for natverse/elmr
Support for working with light and electron microscopy fly brain data

dense_core_neuronsSample EM tracings (homologous pair of neurons wrapping...
elm.landmarksELM Landmarks created by Bock & Saalfeld groups at Janelia
elmr-defunctFunctions that have been removed or moved to other packages
elmr-packageBridge light and EM flybrain datasets
FAFBtemplatebrain for assembled FAFB full adult female brain EM...
fafb_hemilineage_contentsCreate list of FAFB neurons within a hemilineage
FAFB.surfFAFB brain and neuropil surface objects
fafb_world_mapperConvert coordinates between different FAFB assemblies
fetchn_fafbFetch neurons from FAFB CATMAID server, transforming them as...
nblast_fafbNBLAST EM tracing against FlyCircuit (or other databases of)...
open_fafbGenerate URLs to open FAFB CATMAID in browser at a given XYZ...
read.neurons.fafbRead neurons from CATMAID with extra meta-data
summarise_contributionSummarise tracer contributions / suggest authorship for set...
unspikeRemove artefactual spikes in neuron tracing due to...
natverse/elmr documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 9:30 a.m.