FAFB: templatebrain for assembled FAFB full adult female brain EM...

FAFBR Documentation

templatebrain for assembled FAFB full adult female brain EM volume


FAFB Current default assembly of FAFB (an alias for FAFB13 since 2016-12-07)

FAFB14 Assembly v14 of FAFB full adult female brain EM volume (2017-10-07 - ).

FAFB13 Assembly v13 of FAFB full adult female brain EM volume (2016-12-07 - 2017-10-06).

FAFB12 Assembly v12 of FAFB full adult female brain EM volume (2016-04-01 to 2016-12-06)

FAFB11 Assembly v11 of FAFB full adult female brain EM volume (2016-02-09)


FAFB templatebrain objects encapsulate the physical dimensions of assembled FAFB serial section data. There is a different templatebrain for each assembly version. They are used to define the transformations between FAFB and other templates like JFRC2013 (see xform_brain)

FAFB14 is the default FAFB assembly since 2017-10-07. If you want to use a specific assembly then refer to it with a versioned name. If you just want to use the current working assembly, then use FAFB.

See Also

templatebrain, xform_brain



natverse/elmr documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 9:30 a.m.