Man pages for natverse/neuprintr
R Client Utilities for Interacting with the neuPrint Connectome Analysis Service

neuprint_assign_connectorsAssign synapses to a neuronal tree
neuprint_common_connectivityGet the common synaptic partners for a set of neurons
neuprint_connection_tableGet the upstream and downstream connectivity of a neuron
neuprint_connectorsGet the IDs and 3D locations of the pre- and post- synapses...
neuprint_cosine_matrixCalculate a cosine similarity matrix for neuprint neurons
neuprint_cosine_plotPlot cosine clustering of neuprint/hemibrain neurons
neuprint_dumpDownload data from neuprint for specified bodyids / a...
neuprint_fetch_customUse a cypher to make a custom query to the neuPrint server...
neuprint_find_neuronsFind bodies within a given ROI
neuprint_get_adjacency_matrixGet a matrix of connectivities between bodies
neuprint_get_fieldsGet available metadata fields for Neuron nodes
neuprint_get_metaGet key metadata for body (including name, type, status,...
neuprint_get_neuron_namesGet the name of a neuron
neuprint_get_pathsGet a list of paths of length n between 2 neurons
neuprint_get_roiInfoGet roiInfo associated with a body
neuprint_get_shortest_pathsGet a list of the shortest paths between two neurons
neuprint_get_synapsesGet the locations of pre- and post synapses associated with a...
neuprint_infoFind out what some information about your neuPrint server
neuprint_list2dfParse neuprint return list to a data frame
neuprint_loginConnect to/authenticate with a neuPrint server and its Neo4j...
neuprint_read_neuronsRead skeleton and optional synapse information for neuPrint...
neuprint_ROI_connectivityGet connectivity between ROIs (summary or data frame of...
neuprint_ROI_hierarchyGet the region of interest (ROI) hierarchy in a dataset
neuprint_ROI_meshDownload a region of interest as a 3D mesh
neuprint_ROIsGet a vector of all the ROIs in a specified dataset
neuprintr-packageneuprintr: R Client Utilities for Interacting with the...
neuprint_searchSearch for body IDs based on a given name
neuprint_simple_connectivityGet a list of connected partners for a neuron
neuprint_skeleton_connectivity_matrixGet a matrix for connectivity between neuron/neuronlist...
pipePipe operator
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
natverse/neuprintr documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 6:59 a.m.