
#' The olive data set 
#' contains  572 observations and 10 variables
#' \describe{
#' \item{Region}{Three super-classes of Italy: North, South and the island of Sardinia }
#' \item{area}{ Nine collection areas: three from North, four from South and 2 from Sardinia} 
#' \item{palmitic}{ fatty acids percent x 100}
#' \item{palmitoleic}{ fatty acids percent x 100 }
#' \item{stearic}{fatty acids percent x 100}
#' \item{oleic}{fatty acids percent x 100 }
#' \item{linoleic}{fatty acids percent x 100}
#' \item{linolenic}{fatty acids percent x 100  }
#' \item{arachidic}{ fatty acids percent x 100}
#' \item{eicosenoic}{ fatty acids percent x 100}
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name olive
#' @usage data(olive)
#' @format A data frame contains 573 observations and 10 variables
natydasilva/PPforest documentation built on July 10, 2024, 9:44 a.m.