  collapse = TRUE,
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The goal of s3vec is to provide a wrapper around collections of s3 objects (of the same class) to make them behave like vectors of objects.


You can install s3vec from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Hello World

Assume we have an s3 class point, representing a point in 2 dimensions. Now we create 100 instances of point and store them in the list points.

point <- function(x, y) {
  stopifnot(is.numeric(x), is.numeric(y))
  structure(list(x = x, y = y), class = "point")

points <- mapply(point, runif(100L), runif(100L), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

We would like to implement a max function that returns the point with the greatest distance from the origin. We cannot use s3 dispatch on point, because our collection of points is a list. For a function like abs, this is less of an issue, as it can be applied to individual objects by iterating through the list.

abs.point <- function(x) {
  sqrt(x$x ^ 2L + x$y ^ 2L)

sapply(points[1:5], abs)

max.point <- function(x, ...) {
  max(sapply(x, abs))


In order to get around this issue, s3vec wraps an additional class (s3vec) around such a list, holding several objects of the same type and bring this type to the surface of this wrapped object. Like this, s3 dispatch can be used for the point class.


points <- as.s3vec(points)



Of course, in a simple scenario like this, one could argue that it makes more sense to use the point class as

points <- point(runif(5L), runif(5L))

In which case, this enclosing class is not necessary. But a solution like this becomes more involved when for example there is structural variation among class instances (e.g. a mix of 2D and 3D points).

point <- function(coords) {
  structure(coords, class = "point")

points <- replicate(10L, point(runif(sample(2:3, 1L))), simplify = FALSE)
sapply(points, length)

A completely vectorized approach as above is not as simple anymore and a list-based implementation might be better suited, in turn causing the problem described in the beginning.

nbenn/s3vec documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:15 p.m.