Man pages for nchenderson/DelayedSurvFit
Constrained Survival Estimation with Delayed Treatment

AvgHazardRatiosPre and post-crossing average hazard ratios
DelayedHazFitHazard functions with single-crossing constraints
DelayedSurvFitSurvival functions with single-crossing constraints
NivoIpiliReconstructApproximate survival data for Nivolumab plus Ipilimumab
plot.surv.delayPlot method for 'surv.delay' objects
rmstRestricted mean survival time
rrmlRestricted residual mean life
SurvFnArm-specific survival functions
nchenderson/DelayedSurvFit documentation built on Aug. 18, 2024, 11:49 a.m.