prepare_SSURGO_hydro_data: Get and prepare basic soil hydraulic parameters from SSURGO...

View source: R/prepare_SSURGO_hydro_data.R

prepare_SSURGO_hydro_dataR Documentation

Get and prepare basic soil hydraulic parameters from SSURGO via SDA


Get and prepare basic soil hydraulic parameters from SSURGO via SDA


prepare_SSURGO_hydro_data(cokeys, max.depth)



vector of component keys (cokey) in current SSURGO snapshot


target depth of aggregation (cm), corrected later by real soil depth as reported by slab()


Weighted mean soil hydraulic parameters are returned over the interval of 0-max.depth, calculated by aqp::slab().


a list containing:

  • SPC: SoilProfileCollection

  • agg: aggregate representation of hydraulic parameters, by cokey

The following soil hydraulic properties are included:

variable description
cokey component key
hzname horizon name
hz_top horizon top depth (cm)
hz_bottom horizon bottom depth (cm)
thick horizon thickness (cm)
sat VWC at saturation (cm/cm)
fc VWC at field capacity defined by 1/3rd bar tension (cm/cm)
fc_tenthbar VWC at field capacity defined by 1/3rd bar tension (cm/cm)
pwp VWC at permanent wilting point or 15 bar tension (cm/cm)
awc total sand content (<2mm fraction, mass %)
sand total silt content (<2mm fraction, mass %)
silt total clay content (<2mm fraction, mass %)
clay total sand content (<2mm fraction, mass %)
dbthirdbar bulk density at 1/3 bar tension (g/cm^3)
dbovendry bulk density oven-dry basis (g/cm^3)
ksat Ksat (um/second)
soil_fraction volume fraction of soil (1 - coarse fragment volume fraction)


D.E. Beaudette

ncss-tech/sharpshootR documentation built on Oct. 12, 2024, 4:30 a.m.