Man pages for ncss-tech/soilDB
Soil Database Interface

createSSURGOCreate a database from SSURGO Exports
createStaticNASISCreate a memory or file-based instance of NASIS database
dbConnectNASISCreate local NASIS database connection
dbQueryNASISQuery a NASIS DBIConnection
downloadSSURGOGet SSURGO ZIP files from Web Soil Survey 'Download Soils...
estimateColorMixtureEstimate color mixtures using weighted average of CIELAB...
estimateSTREstimate Soil Temperature Regime
fetchGDBGet a SoilProfileCollection from a SSURGO file geodatabase
fetchHenryGet data from Henry Mount Soil Temperature and Water Database
fetchKSSLGet Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data from SoilWeb snapshot
fetchLDMQuery data from Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data Mart via...
fetchNASISGet a pedon or component data 'SoilProfileCollection' from...
fetchNASISLabDataGet NCSS Pedon laboratory data from NASIS
fetchNASISWebReportGet component tables from NASIS Web Reports
fetchOSDGet Official Series Descriptions and summaries from SoilWeb...
fetchPedonPCGet a SoilProfileCollection from a PedonPC v.5 database
fetchRaCAGet Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA) data
fetchSCANGet Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate...
fetchSDAGet SSURGO/STATSGO2 Mapunit Data from Soil Data Access
fetchSDA_spatialGet Spatial Data from Soil Data Access by 'mukey',...
fetchSoilGridsGet SoilGrids 2.0 Property Estimates for Points or Spatial...
fetchSRIFetch Soil Inventory Resource (SRI) for USFS Region 6
fetchVegdataGet vegetation plot data from local NASIS database
filter_geochemFilter KSSL Geochemical Table
format_SQL_in_statementFormat vector of values into a string suitable for an SQL...
get_colors_from_NASIS_dbGet Soil Color Data from a local NASIS Database
get_colors_from_pedon_dbGet Soil Color Data from a PedonPC Database
get_comonth_from_NASIS_dbGet component month data from a local NASIS Database
get_component_data_from_NASIS_dbGet component data from a local NASIS Database
get_cosoilmoist_from_NASISGet the Component Soil Moisture Tables
get_ecosite_history_from_NASIS_dbGet Site Ecological Site History
get_EDIT_ecoclass_by_geoUnitGet Ecological Dynamics Information Tool (EDIT) ecological...
get_extended_data_from_NASIS_dbGet accessory tables and summaries from a local NASIS...
get_extended_data_from_pedon_dbGet accessory tables and summaries from a local pedonPC...
get_hz_data_from_NASIS_dbGet Horizon Data from a local NASIS Database
get_hz_data_from_pedon_dbGet Horizon Data from a PedonPC Database
getHzErrorsNASISGet Logic Errors in NASIS/PedonPC Pedon Horizon
get_lablayer_data_from_NASIS_dbGet lab pedon layer data from a local NASIS Database
get_labpedon_data_from_NASIS_dbGet lab pedon data from a local NASIS Database
get_mapunit_from_NASISGet Legend, Mapunit and Legend Mapunit Area Overlap Tables
get_NASIS_metadataGet NASIS Metadata (Domain, Column and Choice Lists)
get_NASIS_table_key_by_nameGet a NASIS table key by type and table name
get_NASIS_table_metadataGet NASIS Table Metadata (Table and Column Descriptions)
get_NASIS_table_name_by_purposeGet NASIS 7 Physical Table Names
get_NOAA_GHCNDGet Global Historical Climatology Network Daily (GHCND) data...
get_NOAA_stations_nearXYGet NOAA station data near a given latitude and longitude
get_OSDGet Official Series Description Data from JSON, HTML or TXT...
get_RMF_from_NASIS_dbGet RMF data from local NASIS
get_SDA_coecoclassGet mapunit ecological sites from Soil Data Access
get_SDA_cosurfmorphGet Geomorphic/Surface Morphometry Data from Soil Data Access
get_SDA_hydricGet map unit hydric soils information from Soil Data Access
get_SDA_interpretationGet map unit interpretations from Soil Data Access by rule...
get_SDA_metricsGet Soil Data Access, Lab Data Mart and Web Soil Survey Usage...
get_SDA_muaggattGet map unit aggregate attribute information from Soil Data...
get_SDA_pmgroupnameGet map unit parent material group information from Soil Data...
get_SDA_propertyGet map unit properties from Soil Data Access
get_SDV_legend_elementsGet Soil Data Viewer Attribute Information
get_site_data_from_NASIS_dbGet Site Data from a local NASIS Database
get_site_data_from_pedon_dbGet Site Data from a PedonPC Database
get_soilDB_envGet the soilDB environment used for storing error messages...
get_soilseries_from_NASISGet records from the Series Classification (SC) database
get_SRIGet Soil Inventory Resource (SRI) for USFS Region 6
get_SRI_layersGet SRI Layers
get_text_notes_from_NASIS_dbGet text note data from a local NASIS Database
get_veg_data_from_NASIS_dbGet vegetation data from a local NASIS Database
get_veg_from_AK_SiteGet Vegetation Data from an AK Site Database
get_veg_from_MT_veg_dbGet Site and Plot-level Data from a Montana RangeDB database
get_veg_from_NPS_PLOTS_dbGet Vegetation Data from an NPS PLOTS Database
get_veg_other_from_MT_veg_dbGet cover composition data from a Montana RangeDB database
get_veg_species_from_MT_veg_dbGet species-level Data from a Montana RangeDB database
ISSR800.wcsGet 800m gridded soil properties from SoilWeb ISSR-800 Web...
KSSL_VG_modelDevelop a Water Retention Curve from KSSL Data
loafercreekExample 'SoilProfilecollection' Objects Returned by...
local_NASIS_definedCheck for presence of 'nasis_local' ODBC data source
makeChunksGenerate chunk labels for splitting data
make_EDIT_service_URLMake Ecological Dynamics Interpretive Tool (EDIT) web...
metadataNASIS 7 Metadata
mukey.wcsGet Map Unit Key ('mukey') grid from SoilWeb Web Coverage...
NASISChoiceListWork with NASIS Choice Lists
NASISDomainsAsFactorGet/Set Options for Encoding NASIS Domains as Factors
NASIS_table_column_keysNASIS 7 Tables, Columns and Foreign Keys
OSDquerySearch full text of Official Series Description on SoilWeb
parseWebReportParse contents of a web report, based on supplied arguments.
processSDA_WKTPost-process Well-Known Text from Soil Data Access
SCAN_SNOTEL_metadataGet SCAN and SNOTEL Station Metadata
SDA_queryQuery Soil Data Access
SDA_spatialQueryQuery Soil Data Access by spatial intersection with supplied...
seriesExtentRetrieve Soil Series Extent Maps from SoilWeb
siblingsGet "siblings" and "cousins" for a given soil series
simplifyColorDataSimplify Color Data by ID
simplifyFragmentDataSimplify Coarse Fraction Data
soilColor.wcsGet 30m or 270m gridded soil soil color data from SoilWeb Web...
soilDB-packageSoil Database Interface
SoilWeb_spatial_queryGet SSURGO Data via Spatial Query
STRplotGraphical Description of US Soil Taxonomy Soil Temperature...
taxaExtentGet SoilWeb 800m Major Component Soil Taxonomy Grids
uncodeConvert coded values returned from NASIS and SDA queries into...
us_ss_timelineTimeline of US Published Soil Surveys
waterDayYearCompute Water Day and Year
WCS_detailsWeb Coverage Services Details
ncss-tech/soilDB documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 8:08 a.m.