Man pages for ncwanner/Production_Validation
Package to perform the imputation of area harvested, production and yield for the FAO production domain

balanceAreaHarvestedFunction to compute area harvested when new production and...
balanceProductionFunction to compute production when new area harvested and...
balanceProductionTripletThis function balances the production triplet (input,...
calculateProcessingShareFunction to compute Processing sharing: share that identify...
calculateShareDownUpFunction to compute shares (to express a derived commodities...
computeYieldFunction to compute and update yield
defaultProcessedItemParamsDefault Processed Item Parameters
ensureProductionInputsCheck Production Inputs
ensureProductionOutputsCheck Production Inputs
expandDatasetYearsThis function guarantees that for the years for which...
expandMeatSessionSelectionThis function expands the current selection in the session to...
faoswsProduction-packagePackage to perform the imputation of area harvested,...
getAllHistoryGet All Production History
getAllYieldKeyFunction to get the complete yield key
getAnimalMeatMappingThis function retrieves the mapping between the parent...
getImputationParametersGet Imputation Parameters
getPrimaryFunction trace back to the primary item starting from an...
getProductionDataGet Production Data
getProductionFormulaGet Yield Formula
getSUADataRestrictedThis function pull the SUA table necessary to compute the...
getYieldDataThis function extracts the yield data
imputeProductionTripletThis function imputes the whole production domain.
isPrimaryThis function tests whether a commodity is a primary item.
nonImputationItemsThis function returns the commodity codes which are selected...
okrapdExample data for the documentations.
plotResultThis function has been created to plot PROCESSED data results...
processProductionDomainThis is a wrapper for all the data manipulation steps before...
productionFormulaParametersParameter for formulas
productionProcessingParametersDefault Processing Parameters
selectImputationItemThis function returns the commodity codes which are selected...
selectMeatCodesThis function selects the code which are corresponds to meat
transferParentToChildFunction to transfer values from parent to child.
ncwanner/Production_Validation documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:48 p.m.