
# library(tableHTML)
# require(xlsx)
# dir <- "E:\\DADOS\\CONSULTORIA\\PESSOAS JURÍDICAS\\FlyFrog\\Perception - 10-04-2017"
# #tutorial
# #https://lyzander.github.io/tableHTML/
# ##########################################
# ##########    Outras opções   ############
# ##########    para tabelas    ############
# ##########################################
# #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3438226/exporting-r-tables-to-html
# ##########################################
# ############    tableHTML     ############
# ##########################################
# #vignette do tableHTML
# #https://lyzander.github.io/tableHTML/
# #formatted tables with superscript
# dados <- mtcars
# dados$mpg[1] <- paste0(dados$mpg[1],'<sup>ABCd</sup>')
# tab1 <- tableHTML(dados, widths = c(140, rep(50, 11)), second_header = list(c(3, 4, 5), c('col1', 'col2', 'col3')), theme = 'rshiny-blue',footer = 'Número superscrito é exemplo de teste de significancia')
# tab2 <- tableHTML(dados, widths = c(140, rep(50, 11)), second_header = list(c(3, 4, 5), c('col1', 'col2', 'col3')), theme = 'scientific',footer = 'Número superscrito é exemplo de teste de significancia')
# tab3 <- tableHTML(dados, widths = c(140, rep(50, 11)), second_header = list(c(3, 4, 5), c('col1', 'col2', 'col3')), theme = 'default',footer = 'Número superscrito é exemplo de teste de significancia')
# write_tableHTML(tab1, file = paste0(dir,'\\tab.html'))
# write_tableHTML(tab1, file = paste0(dir,'\\tab1.html'))
# write_tableHTML(tab2, file = paste0(dir,'\\tab2.html'))
# write_tableHTML(tab3, file = paste0(dir,'\\tab3.html'))
# ##########################################
# ##############    EXCEL     ##############
# ##########################################
# require(RDCOMClient)
# xl <- COMCreate("Excel.Application")
# xl[["Visible"]] <- TRUE
# xl[["DisplayAlerts"]] <- FALSE
# #wb <- xl[["Workbooks"]]$Add()
# #sheet <- wb$Worksheets(1)
# file.xlsx <- "E:\\DADOS\\CONSULTORIA\\PESSOAS JURÍDICAS\\FlyFrog\\Perception - 10-04-2017\\processamento.xlsx"
# file <- "E:\\DADOS\\CONSULTORIA\\PESSOAS JURÍDICAS\\FlyFrog\\Perception - 10-04-2017\\tab.html"
# file1 <- "E:\\DADOS\\CONSULTORIA\\PESSOAS JURÍDICAS\\FlyFrog\\Perception - 10-04-2017\\tab1.html"
# file2 <- "E:\\DADOS\\CONSULTORIA\\PESSOAS JURÍDICAS\\FlyFrog\\Perception - 10-04-2017\\tab2.html"
# file3 <- "E:\\DADOS\\CONSULTORIA\\PESSOAS JURÍDICAS\\FlyFrog\\Perception - 10-04-2017\\tab3.html"
# files <- c(file1,file2,file3)
# wb = xl$Workbooks()$Open(file)
# sheet <- wb$Sheets(1)
# sheet[["Name"]] <- "Initial"
# #new <- wb$Worksheets()$Add()
# cont <- 0
# for (i in files){
#   cont <- cont + 1
#   #inport html table
#   html = xl$Workbooks()$Open(i)
#   #rename sheet
#   html_sheet <- html$Sheets(1)
#   html_sheet[["Name"]] <- paste0("tabela-",cont)
#   #move sheet to xlsx main file
#   html$Sheets(1)$Move(sheet)
#   #remove html file
#   file.remove(i)
# }
# wb$SaveAs(Filename=file.xlsx,FileFormat=51)
# wb$Close()
# xl$Quit()
neale-eldash/neale documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:29 p.m.