saber: saber: Saber data

Description Usage Format Details Source Examples


The saber package provides Saber data. Saber are standardized education tests run by the Colombian Institute for Educational Evaluation (ICFES). By now the package includes data of the Saber 11 tests since 2005. The Saber 11 are tests required by every high school student in Colombia to obtain the high school diploma and are used by the ICFES and the government to assess the quality of education and by universities for admissions to undergradute programs. They are applied twice each year to accomodate to both school calendars. There is a dataset for each test applied since 2005 containing test results and socio-economic data for every student that took the test during the given period. Echa dataset is named by the prefix SB11_ followed by the year (YYYY) and period (1 or 2). See the usage or the example below.




Each data set comes in the form of a data frame (with additional tbl and tbl_df classes from dplyr). Each data frame has its own format. Additional documentition will be available soon.


Each period correspondes to a half of the year, so that the period 1 test (i.e. first half of the year) is taken by high schools that finish their academic year on the first half of the year (so-called B calendar) and the period 2 test is taken by the schools that finish the academic year in the second half of the year (A calendar). Most schools are A calendar, hence period 1 data sets are considerably smaller than period 2 data sets.




nebulae-co/saber documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:31 p.m.