
arithmetic_strictness_env <- function(rating_matrix) {
  env <- new.env()

  # Vector of all "document means". Each item in the vector
  # is the arithmetic mean of ratings of a single document
  env$doc_means <- rating_matrix %>% apply(1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)

  # arithmetic mean of all documents (points "average" document)
  # This is the "mean of document means"
  env$arithmetic_mean_of_all_documents <- mean(env$doc_means, na.rm = TRUE)
  env$X <- env$arithmetic_mean_of_all_documents # shorthand

  # average points for a document for a fixed reviewer.
  # The notation l is adopted from the documentation section. It's just a
  # random letter.
  env$X_l <- function(reviewer_column) { 
    mean(reviewer_column, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Arithmetic strictness
  env$arithmetic_strictness <- function(reviewer_column) {
    env$X / env$X_l(reviewer_column)

  env$arithmetic_strictness_vector <- rating_matrix %>% apply(2, env$arithmetic_strictness)
neumanrq/fairreviewers documentation built on May 24, 2019, 5:06 a.m.