This package was created to allow the analysis of EEG data in R. The code in this vignette was previously published on Matt's blog.

Downloading a bdf

Two example Biosemi bdf files can be downloaded from the producer's website. To download and unzip example bdf files use:

url_bdf_zip <- ""
temp <- tempfile()
download.file(url_bdf_zip, temp)

Loading a bdf file


bdf_filename <- "Newtest17-256.bdf"
bdf_data <- import_raw(bdf_filename)

The file is now loaded. You can see its structure



eegUtils allows loading the bdf files, selecting channels

my_data <- bdf_data %>%
  select_elecs(c("A1", "A2"), keep = FALSE) %>% # remove channels
  reref_eeg(ref_chans = "average") %>% # re-reference
  iir_filt(low_freq = 0.1, high_freq = 40) %>% # band-pass filter
  epoch_data(255, c(-.2,.2)) # epoch: choose a trigger and time limits


Create a butterfly plot showing data from all the electrodes

plot_butterfly(my_data, baseline = c(-.2, 0), time_lim = c(-.1, .2), legend = FALSE)

Or the timecourse of a single electrode

plot_timecourse(my_data, electrode = "A3", baseline = c(-.2,0), time_lim = c(-.1, .2))

How about an EEGLAB style ERP image?

erp_image(my_data, electrode = "A9")

neuroconductor-devel-releases/eegUtils documentation built on May 5, 2020, 3:49 a.m.