
#' @title Estimated Logistic Model List for ICH
#' @description A list containing the logistic model for predicting ICH and other factors for
#' prediction
#' @format A list with 7 elements, which are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{mod.pauc}{the partial AUC estimated with the training data }
#' \item{mod.pauc.cutoff}{the sens/spec for partial AUC cutoff }
#' \item{mod.sens.cutoff}{the sensitivity and cutoff estimated with the training datan }
#' \item{mod.dice.cutoff}{the Dice Similarity Index and cutoff estimated with the training data }
#' \item{mod.acc}{the accuracy and cutoff estimated with the training data}
#' \item{mod}{the model object of class \code{glm} }
#' \item{mod.time}{the time it took to train the model }
#' }
neuroconductor-releases/ichseg documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 12:37 a.m.