MGC Simulations

In this experiment, we will take a look at the 20 canonical simulations analyzed in the MGC Paper repository. For details on the simulations, please check out the appendix to the paper, which can be found on arXiv MGC paper link, with available pseudo code.



In the below simulations, we let each dimension $i$ be uniformly distributed $X_i \sim Unif(-1, 1)$, and $x_i$ is $n$ samples for the $i^{th}$ dimension, then $x \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times D}$. $A$ is a decaying vector where $A_i = \frac{1}{i}$, $A \in \mathbb{R}^D$. $\nu_i$ is the error for each measurement and is sampled from the RV $E \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \epsilon I_n)$. Below, we let $\kappa = \mathbb{I}\left{D = 1\right}$.

gen.coefs <- function(d) {
  A = as.array(1/1:d, dim=c(d, 1))

gen.x <- function(n, d) {
  x <- as.array(replicate(d, runif(n, -1, 1)))

plot.one_d <- function(x, y, title="", eqn="") {
  dat = data.frame(x=x, y=y)
  ggplot(dat, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
    geom_point() +
    xlab("x") +
    ylab(eqn) +
    ggtitle(sprintf("1-D Simulated %s", title))

plot.mgc_result <- function(res, title="") {
  mgc.plot.plot_matrix(res$localCorr, title=TeX(sprintf("%s Corr Map, statMGC=%.3f", title, res$statMGC)), xlabel = "l, X neighbors", ylabel = "k, Y neighbors",

ld <- 1  # low dimensional simulations are in 1 dimension
hd <- 50  # high dimensional simulations are in 50 dimensions

ln <- 100  # low dimensional simulations have 100 samples
hn <- 250  # high dimensional simulations have 250 samples

Linear Relationship

For our linear simulations, we allow a linear dependence of $y$ on $x$ with error of variance $\epsilon$, and $\nu$ is the per-sample residual:

\begin{align} y = xA + \Kappa\nu \ s_{\nu} = \epsilon \end{align}

and we let $\epsilon = 0.2$.

1 Dimensional

gen.y.linear <- function(x, A, eps) {
  er <- rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=1)
  return(x%*%A + eps*er)  # y = xA + nu  

eps <- 0.2
xld <- gen.x(ln, ld)
Ald <- gen.coefs(ld)
yld <- gen.y.linear(xld, Ald, 0.2)

simn <- "Linear Relationship"
plot.one_d(xld, yld, title=simn, eqn=TeX("$y = xA + \\epsilon$"))

We obtain a Linear Relationship:

res <- mgc.sample(xld, yld)
plot.mgc_result(res, title=simn)

High Dimensional

We repeat the same experiment with $50$ dimensions:

xhd <- gen.x(hn, hd)
Ahd <- gen.coefs(hd)
yhd <- gen.y.linear(xhd, Ahd, 0.2)
res <- mgc.sample(xhd, yhd)
plot.mgc_result(res, title=simn)


For our linear simulations, we allow a linear dependence of $y$ on $x$ with error of variance $\epsilon$, and $\nu$ is the per-sample residual:

\begin{align} y = e^{xA + \kappa \nu} \ s_{\nu} = \epsilon \ \kappa = \begin{cases} 1 & D = 1 0 & otherwise \end{cases} \end{align}

and we let $\epsilon = 0.05$ and $\kappa = 0$.

1 Dimensional

gen.y.linear <- function(x, A, eps) {
  er <- rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=1)
  return(exp(x%*%A))  # y = exp(xA)

eps <- 0.2
xld <- gen.x(ln, ld)
Ald <- gen.coefs(ld)
yld <- gen.y.linear(xld, Ald, 0.2)

simn <- "Linear Relationship"
plot.one_d(xld, yld, title=simn, eqn=TeX("$y = xA + \\epsilon$"))

We obtain a Linear Relationship:

res <- mgc.sample(xld, yld)
plot.mgc_result(res, title=simn)

High Dimensional

We repeat the same experiment with $50$ dimensions:

xhd <- gen.x(hn, hd)
Ahd <- gen.coefs(hd)
yhd <- gen.y.linear(xhd, Ahd, 0.2)
res <- mgc.sample(xhd, yhd)
plot.mgc_result(res, title=simn)


Joint Normal

Step Function


W shape




Fourth Root







1 Dimensional

High Dimensional


neurodata/r-mgc documentation built on March 12, 2021, 9:45 a.m.