pkg <- read.dcf("DESCRIPTION", fields = "Package")[1]
title <- gsub("\n"," ",read.dcf("DESCRIPTION", fields = "Title")[1])
description <- gsub("\n"," ",read.dcf("DESCRIPTION", fields = "Description")[1])
URL <- read.dcf('DESCRIPTION', fields = 'URL')[1]
owner <- strsplit(URL,"/")[[1]][4]
repo <- strsplit(URL,"/")[[1]][5]

\<---⬇️⬇️⬇️(Start of section that can be deleted after forking the template)⬇️⬇️⬇️--->


If you use the templateR R package template, or any of the rworkflows suite tools, please cite:

Brian M. Schilder, Alan E. Murphy, & Nathan G. Skene (2023) The rworkflows suite: automated continuous integration for quality checking, documentation website creation, and containerised deployment of R packages, Research Square;


templateR is a template designed to make developing new R packages easy by providing:

To get started, simply click on the green Use this template button at the top right of the templateR repo.

GitHub Secrets

To use certain features of rworkflows, you may need to set up one or more GitHub Secrets:

GitHub Pages

The GitHub Actions workflows included in this template will automatically create a documentation website for your package via GitHub Pages.

After the rworkflows action has successfully run on Ubuntu for the first time, a new branch will appear in your repo called "gh-pages".

\<---⬆️⬆️⬆️(End of section that can be deleted after forking the template)⬆️⬆️⬆️--->

r pkg: r gsub("\n","",title)

r gsub("\n","",description)

If you use r pkg, please cite:

r utils::citation(pkg)$textVersion


if(!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")

remotes::install_github("`r paste(owner,repo,sep='/')`")
library(`r pkg`)



Getting started

Session Info


neurogenomics/templateR documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 3:36 p.m.