  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  eval = nzchar(Sys.getenv("MY_EVAL_VARIABLE"))


In this vignette, we're going to develop a pipeline (workflow) to build the functional connectome from a resting state fMRI volume, associated to an atlas, using the wf4ni package.

As a model, we have used the steps mentioned in the Python/FSL Resting State Pipeline from the Brain Imaging and Analysis Center:

To demonstrate the flexibility of wf4ni, we'll use different R packages to perform several of the above steps.

It must be noted that the philosophy of wf4ni is to separate the pipeline logic from its implementation. So, the same workflow could be used just changing, if needed, the implementation of any (or all) of the steps above.

The organization of this vignette is as follows. First, we'll describe the dependencies or packages needed to run the workflow. Later, we'll describe the workflow, step by step, without presenting the actual implementation of the functions used. Then, we'll use some sample data to run an experiment with the workflow, presenting its results. We'll end the vignette with an annex in which we'll present the actual implementation of the functions.


We consider two types of requirements: packages needed to perform the key steps in the workflow and data which may be necessary at any step of the computation.


Obviously, to build the workflow, we need the wf4ni package:


The following packages are needed in some points of the pipeline:


The tidyverse simplifies some of the functions and makes code more legible. Packages fslr, ANTsR, and signal are used in different parts of the code. neurobase, oro.nifti and readr are used in input/output tasks and to show orthographic plots of nifti volumes. Packages RColorBrewer, tidyr, dplyr and ggplot2 are used to visualize the results.

Other Resources

The additional resources, such as the atlas used in this vignette to compute the functional connectome (AAL v4), or the WM/CSF probability map templates, are from the Python/FSL Resting State Pipeline, mentioned above.

fMRI Processing

The diffusion workflow will be a NIflow object. To create such object, one needs to provide a name, a work_dir where to store temporary results, and the name of the inputs needed to execute the workflow. In this case, our pipeline will need:

fmri_flow <- NIflow$new(name = "fmri",
                        work_dir = "~/flow/fmri",
                        inputs = c("T1", "BOLD", "TR", "atlas"))

There will be processes exclusively acting on the fMRI image, whereas others will act on the T1 image, for different purposes. Having a T1 image will help normalize the functional image into MNI space.

Slice Time Correction

The first action to take is to correct the functional image for slice timing, using fslr package:

# slice time correction
correct_slice_time <- function(bold) {

Adding this step to the flow is straightforward:

fmri_flow %>%
  add(what = correct_slice_time,
      inputs = "BOLD",
      output = "bold_slice_time")

Motion Correction

The next step is correcting the motion between different acquisitions (using fslr), and regress out the effect of the motion in the fMRI signal (using functions from base R):

# run motion correction
correct_motion <- function(bold) {

# regressing out motion correction parameters
regress_out_motion <- function(L) {

Adding these two steps can be made as follows:

fmri_flow %>%
  add(what = correct_motion,
      inputs = "bold_slice_time",
      output = "motion_estimation") %>%
  add(what = regress_out_motion,
      inputs = "motion_estimation",
      output = "bold_motion_regressed")

At this point, the partial flow is:


Skull Strip Functional Image

In order to remove the exterior of the brain, we will follow the next actions:

Some of these functions need the fslr package.

#first create mean_func
compute_mean_func <- function(image) {

#now skull strip the mean
skull_strip <- function(image) {

#now mask full run by results
mask_run <- function(image, mask) {

We concatenate this functions as follows:

fmri_flow %>%
  add(what = compute_mean_func,
      inputs = "bold_motion_regressed",
      output = "mean_func") %>%
  add(what = skull_strip,
      inputs = "mean_func",
      output = "mean_func_brain") %>%
  add(what = mask_run,
      inputs = c("bold_motion_regressed", "mean_func_brain"),
      output = "bold_masked") %>%
  add(what = skull_strip,
      inputs = "T1",
      output = "T1_brain")

Note that we also skull-strip the T1 image. This way, later, we'll be able to reorient the anatomical image into MNI space.


Normalize data

In this step, we reorient both the anaotmical and the functional images into MNI space. We'll use fslr functions to this end.

# normalize the data
normalize_data <- function(t1_ss, bold_ss) {

get_t12std <- function(L) L$t12std_img
get_func2std <- function(L) L$func2std_img

Taking into account the corresponding inputs and outputs, the code to add this functions to the flow is:

fmri_flow %>%
  add(what = normalize_data,
      inputs = c("T1_brain", "bold_masked"),
      output = "all_normalized") %>%
  add(what = get_t12std,
      inputs = "all_normalized",
      output = "t12std") %>%
  add(what = get_func2std,
      inputs = "all_normalized",
      output = "func2std")

The flow up-to-now is as follows:


Regress out WM and CSF Signals

To regress out CSF and WM signal, we use base R functions. The CSF and WM maps are obtained from the external resources mentioned above.

# regress out WM/CSF
regress_out_wm_csf <- function(func2std_img) {

We add this step to the flow:

fmri_flow %>%
  add(what = regress_out_wm_csf,
      inputs = "func2std",
      output = "func2std_out_wm_csf")

Bandpass Filter

We'll use functions from the ANTsR package to filter the functional image. We'll also need the TR of the acquisition as input for this step.

# bandpass filter
filter_func <- function(func, tr) {

This way we add the function to the flow_

fmri_flow %>%
  add(what = filter_func,
      inputs = c("func2std_out_wm_csf", "TR"),
      output = "func_filtered")

The partial flow is now:


Extract Time-Series and Compute Correlation

First, we extract a functional time series for each of the regions of interest in the labelled atlas, as the mean of the signal, at each timepoint, over all voxels of the corresponding region.

Later, we compute the correlation of those time series to extract the functional connectome associated to the labelling.

# do the parcellation
extract_time_series <- function(bold, corr_label) {

# do the correlation
compute_correlation <- function(time_series) {

We add this last steps to the flow as follows:

fmri_flow %>%
  add(what = extract_time_series,
      inputs = c("func_filtered", "atlas"),
      output = "ts") %>%
  add(what = compute_correlation,
      inputs = "ts",
      output = "cormat")

Final Flow

With these final additions, the complete pipeline is as follows:


We can also obtain a brief summary of the flow by typing:



To illustrate how this workflow can be used, let us suppose that we have all the functions mentioned before already implemented (an example implementation is given in the Annex), and build the workflow as in the previous steps. We'll apply this flow to compute the connectome given a rsfMRI image.


We'll use sample data for the rsfMRI image from openfMRI repositories.

T1_file <- "./resources/rsfMRI/anat.nii.gz"
BOLD_file <- "./resources/rsfMRI/func.nii.gz"
atlas_file <- file.path("./resources/rsfMRI/",
                        'data', 'aal_MNI_V4.nii')
TR <- 2

res <- fmri_flow$execute(inputs = list(T1 = T1_file,
                                       BOLD = BOLD_file,
                                       TR = TR,
                                       atlas = atlas_file),
                         desired_outputs = c("mean_func",


These are auxiliary functions to plot a connectivity matrix and a time series.

plot_matrix <- function(M) {

  color_function <- colour_ramp(brewer.pal(11, "RdBu"))
  heatmap(t(M), Rowv = NA, Colv = NA,
          col = color_function(seq(0, 1, 0.01)),
          scale = "none")


plot_time_series <- function(ts) {

  # Runs on rows, ROIs in columns
  ts <- t(ts) %>%

  n_runs <- nrow(ts)
  ts$run <- seq(n_runs)

  df <- ts %>%
    gather(key = "variable", value = "value", -run)

  if (ncol(ts) > 3) {

    ggplot(df, aes(x = run, y = value)) +
      geom_line(aes(color = variable), size = 1) +
      scale_color_brewer(type = "div") +

  } else {

    ggplot(df, aes(x = run, y = value)) +
      geom_line(aes(color = variable), size = 1) +
      scale_color_brewer(type = "qual") +



This is the averaged functional image:

knitr::include_graphics(path = "./img/mean_func.png")

This is the connectome, the normalized correlation matrix representing a graph whose nodes are regions of interest and edge strength is given by the correlation between the time series of the regions.

knitr::include_graphics(path = "./img/cormat.png")

We could plot the computed averaged time series for several regions of interest:

roi_names <- read_tsv(file.path(".", "resources",
                                       "rsfMRI", "data",
                             skip = 1,
                             col_names = FALSE,
                             col_types = cols())

colnames(roi_names) <- c("index", "name")

time_series <- t(res$ts)
rownames(time_series) <- roi_names$name

plot_time_series(time_series[c(29:30, 41:42), ])
knitr::include_graphics(path = "./img/ts.png")

We could compute which two regions have the greater correlation and plot their time series:

# Which two components have the greater correlation
my_ind <- res$cormat %>%
  which.max() %>%
  arrayInd(.dim = dim(res$cormat))

plot_time_series(time_series[my_ind, ])
knitr::include_graphics(path = "./img/max_cor_ts.png")

Full Flow Log

The NIflow object stores internally a log of all the processes that it goes through and the memory used to store its internal results:

lines <- readLines(con = "./resources/rsfmri_log.txt")

cat(lines, sep = "\n")

Annex: Full Code

In this annex, we provide example code for the functional connectome workflow, which can be loaded and used to replicate the workflow and results given in this vignette.

When trying to use this code, take into account that several of the functions, just for the purposes of this vignette, have paths and filenames hardcoded. Please, change them when using it in your own computer.

# slice time correction
correct_slice_time <- function(bold) {

  my_bold <- checkimg(bold)

  bold_corrected <- fslslicetimer(file = my_bold)


# run motion correction
correct_motion <- function(bold) {

  my_bold <- checkimg(bold)

  outfile <- tempfile()

  res <- mcflirt(file = my_bold,
                       outfile = outfile,
                       opts = "-plots")

  pars <- read_delim(file = paste0(outfile, ".par"),
                     delim = " ",
                     col_names = FALSE,
                     trim_ws = TRUE,
                     col_types = cols())

  pars_file <- gsub(pattern = "  ",
                    replacement = " ",
                    x = read_file(paste0(outfile, ".par")))

  pars <- read_delim(pars_file,
                     delim = " ",
                     col_names = FALSE)[, 1:6] %>%

  return(list(image = res, pars = pars))


# regressing out motion correction parameters
regress_out_motion <- function(L) {

  bold <- L$image
  params <- L$pars

  dims <- dim(bold)
  my_fit <- array(0, dim = dims)

  dim(bold) <- c(dims[1] * dims[2] * dims[3], dims[4])
  tmp_mean <- apply(bold, 1, mean)
  dim(tmp_mean) <- dims[1:3]
  dim(bold) <- dims

  for (z in seq(dims[3])) {

    tmp_data <- bold[, , z, ]

    dim(tmp_data) <- c(dims[1] * dims[2], dims[4])

    tmp_data <- t(tmp_data)

    fit <- lm(tmp_data ~ params)

    my_fit[, , z, ] <- t(fit$residuals)


  for (t in seq(dims[4])) {

    my_fit[, , , t] <- my_fit[, , , t] + tmp_mean


  my_fit <- my_fit - min(my_fit)
  my_fit <- my_fit / max(my_fit) * 30000

  return(as.nifti(my_fit, value = bold))

#first create mean_func
compute_mean_func <- function(image) {

  dims <- dim(image)

  res <- array(0, dim = dims[1:3])

  for (t in seq(dims[4])) {

    res <- res + image[, , , t]


  res <- res / dims[4]

  return(as.nifti(res, value = image))


#now skull strip the mean
skull_strip <- function(image) {

  my_file <- checkimg(image)
  res <- fslbet(infile = my_file, opts = "-m")



#now mask full run by results
mask_run <- function(image, mask) {

  masked <- fslmask(file = checkimg(image),
                    mask = checkimg(mask > 0))


# normalize the data
normalize_data <- function(t1_ss, bold_ss) {

  fsldir <- getOption("fsl.path")
  flirtref <- file.path(fsldir, 'data', 'standard',

  my_t1 <- checkimg(t1_ss)
  my_bold <- checkimg(bold_ss)

  res <- fslsplit(infile = my_bold, direction = "t")
  my_bold1 <- checkimg(res[[1]])

  func2t1_mat <- tempfile(fileext = ".mat")
  t12standard_mat <- tempfile(fileext = ".mat")
  t12func_mat <- tempfile(fileext = ".mat")
  standard2t1_mat <- tempfile(fileext = ".mat")
  func2standard_mat  <- tempfile(fileext = ".mat")

  #first flirt the func to the t1
  tmp <- flirt(infile = my_bold1,
                     reffile = my_t1,
                     omat = func2t1_mat,
                     opts = "-cost corratio -dof 6 -searchrx -90 90 -searchry -90 90 -searchrz -90 90 -interp trilinear")

  #invert the mat

  cmd_base <- get.fsl()

  cmd <- paste0(cmd_base,
                "convert_xfm -inverse ", func2t1_mat,
                " -omat ", t12func_mat)

  system(cmd, intern = TRUE)

  #flirt the t1 to standard
  t12std_img <- flirt(infile = my_t1,
                     reffile = flirtref,
                     omat = t12standard_mat,
                     opts = " -cost corratio -dof 12 -searchrx -90 90 -searchry -90 90 -searchrz -90 90 -interp trilinear")

  #invert the mat
  cmd <- paste0(cmd_base,
                "convert_xfm -inverse ", t12standard_mat,
                " -omat ", standard2t1_mat)

  system(cmd, intern = TRUE)

  #compute the func2standard mat

  cmd <- paste0(cmd_base,
                "convert_xfm -omat ", func2standard_mat,
                " -concat ", t12standard_mat, " ", func2t1_mat)

  system(cmd, intern = TRUE)

  #apply the transform
  func2std_img <- flirt_apply(infile = my_bold,
                                    reffile = flirtref,
                                    initmat = func2standard_mat,
                                    opts = " -interp trilinear")

  return(list(t12std_img = t12std_img,
              func2std_img = func2std_img))


get_t12std <- function(L) L$t12std_img
get_func2std <- function(L) L$func2std_img
# regress out WM/CSF
regress_out_wm_csf <- function(func2std_img) {

  base_dir <- "./resources/rsfMRI/"

  refwm <- file.path(base_dir, 'data',
  refcsf <- file.path(base_dir, 'data',

  wmout <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
  csfout <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")

  cmd_base <- get.fsl()

  if (is.nifti(func2std_img)) {

    img <- tempfile(fileext = ".nii.gz")
    writenii(func2std_img, filename = img, dtype = FALSE)

  # img <- checkimg(func2std_img)

  #mean time series for wm
  cmd <- paste0(cmd_base,
                "fslmeants -i ", img,
                " -m ", refwm, " -o ", wmout)

  system(cmd, intern = TRUE)

  #mean time series for csf
  cmd <- paste0(cmd_base,
                "fslmeants -i ", img,
                " -m ", refcsf, " -o ", csfout)

  system(cmd, intern = TRUE)

  wm_ts <- read.csv(wmout, header = FALSE) %>% unlist()
  csf_ts <- read.csv(csfout, header = FALSE) %>% unlist()

  dims <- dim(func2std_img)

  my_fit <- array(0, dim = dims)

  #slice by slice:
  for (z in seq(dims[3])) {

    tmp_data <- func2std_img[, , z, ]

    dim(tmp_data) <- c(dims[1] * dims[2], dims[4])
    tmp_data <- t(tmp_data)

    # regress out wm
    fit <- lm(tmp_data ~ wm_ts)

    tmp_data <- fit$residuals

    # regress out csf
    fit <- lm(tmp_data ~ csf_ts)

    my_fit[, , z, ] <- t(fit$residuals)


  return(as.nifti(my_fit, value = func2std_img))

# bandpass filter
filter_func <- function(func, tr) {

  dims <- dim(func)

  n_voxels <- dims[1] * dims[2] * dims[3]

  dim(func) <- c(n_voxels, dims[4])

  func_mat <- matrix(0,
                     nrow = dims[4],
                     ncol = n_voxels)

  chunks <- seq(1, n_voxels, by = 10000)

  for (i in seq_along(chunks)) {

    init <- chunks[i]
    end <- ifelse(i < length(chunks),
                  chunks[i + 1] - 1,

    func_mat[, init:end] <- frequencyFilterfMRI(func[init:end, ] %>% t(),


  func@.Data <- func_mat %>% t()
  dim(func@.Data) <- dims


# do the parcellation
extract_time_series <- function(bold, corr_label) {

  cmd_base <- get.fsl()

  corr_label <- checkimg(corr_label)

  if (is.nifti(bold)) {

    img <- tempfile(fileext = ".nii.gz")
    writenii(bold, filename = img, dtype = FALSE)


  corrtxt <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")

  cmd <- paste0(cmd_base,
                "fslmeants -i ", img,
                " --label=", corr_label, " -o ", corrtxt)

  system(cmd, intern = TRUE)

  ts <- read.table(corrtxt, header = FALSE) %>% as.matrix()



# do the correlation
compute_correlation <- function(time_series) {

  r <- cor(time_series)

  zr <- 0.5 * log((1 + r) / (1 - r))

  zr[!is.finite(zr)] <- 0



neuroimaginador/wf4ni documentation built on Oct. 15, 2019, 9:26 a.m.