
An R Toolbox for Psychologists, Neuropsychologists and Neuroscientists.

|Name|neuropsychology| |----------------|---| |Latest Version|| |Latest Version|| |Documentation|Rdoc| |Downloads|| |Authors||

:warning: NOTE: This package is not maintained anymore. Many of its functions have been moved to the psycho package



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Feature Examples

Create a braincloud

A wordcloud containing the most reccurent words of one or several papers. First, create a folder with several PDFs (journal articles for example, but you can also use your own specific word list). Add an R script in it and run one of the following:

braincloud(image="brain1", text.size=0.6, colours.replicate=FALSE)

Note: these brainclouds are based on the work of Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris.

Compare a patient's score with the parent population

Your patient has an IQ of 78. What does it mean? You'd like to insert a plot in your report? Use the assess() function, that compares your patient's score with the mean and standard deviation of your test (for the IQ, 100 and 15, respectively).

assess(score=78, mean=100, sd=15)

You can also compare it to a custom parent distribution if you have the data. For example, your patient is 27 and you want to see where it stands compared to the participants of the personality dataset. You can also change the colours. See ?assess for more documentation.

assess(score=27, distribution=personality$Age)
"The participant (score = 27) is positioned at 0.02 standard deviations from the mean (M = 26.8, SD = 10.59). 
The participant's score is greater than 74.42 % of the general population."

To save the plot:

plot <- assess(score=27, distribution=personality$Age)
ggsave("assess_plot.png", plot)

Get a correlation plot and table with significance stars


write.csv(cortable(personality), "mytable.csv") # Save the table
ggsave("corplot.png", cortable(personality)) # Save the plot

This function will automatically select the numeric columns of your dataframe and show a correlation table with significance stars. You can adjust the p value by applying different corrections or change the type of correlation type (Spearman's, Pearson's or partial correlations). You can also view the result in RStudio or save it as a .csv file to open it in excel. Run ?cortable for documentation.



Run the following commands to see the proper citation entry in APA6 or Bibtex format:


Note: The authors do not give any warranty. If this software causes your keyboard to blow up, your brain to liquefy, your toilet to clog or a zombie plague to leak, the authors CANNOT IN ANY WAY be held responsible.

neuropsychology/neuropsychology.R documentation built on May 23, 2019, 4:27 p.m.