Man pages for neuropsychology/report
Automated Reporting of Results and Statistical Models

as.reportCreate or test objects of class report.
cite_easystatsCite the easystats ecosystem
format_citationCitation formatting
format_formulaConvenient formatting of text components
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reportAutomatic reporting of R objects
report.aovReporting ANOVAs
report.bayesfactor_modelsReporting Models' Bayes Factor
report.BFBayesFactorReporting 'BFBayesFactor' objects from the 'BayesFactor'...
report.brmsfitReporting Bayesian Models from brms Bayesian Model Comparison
report.compare_performanceReporting models comparison Datasets and Dataframes
report_dateMiscellaneous reports
report.defaultTemplate to add report support for new objects
report_effectsizeReport the effect size(s) of a model or a test
report.estimate_contrastsReporting 'estimate_contrasts' objects
report.htestReporting 'htest' objects (Correlation, t-test...)
report_infoReport additional information
report_interceptReport intercept
report.lavaanReports of Structural Equation Models (SEM)
report.lmReporting (General) Linear Models
report_modelReport the model type
report-packagereport: Automated Results Reporting as a Practical Tool to...
report_parametersReport the parameters of a model
report_participantsReporting the participant data
report_performanceReport the model's quality and fit indices
report_priorsReport priors of Bayesian models
report_randomReport random effects and factors
report_sReport S- and p-values in easy language.
report_sampleSample Description
report.sessionInfoReport R environment (packages, system, etc.)
report.stanregReporting Bayesian Models
report_statisticsReport the statistics of a model
report_tableReport a descriptive table
report.test_performanceReporting models comparison
report_textReport a textual description of an object
neuropsychology/report documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 2:21 p.m.