rdoxygen is an R package for the creation of doxygen documentation for source code (C/C++/Fortran/Java/etc.) in R packages (typically found in src or inst/include). It allows to trigger the rendering process automatically and effortlessly. Optionally, the doxygen output can be accessed by users of the package via R vignettes.

It's initially based on Corentin M. Barbu's answer to this stackoverflow question, was packaged by Clemens Schmid and improved by Martin Lysy.

This post introduces rdoxygen v2.0.


To use rdoxygen you need a working installation of the system program doxygen. You can either install it from source or rely on the package management system of your OS to get it.

The R package rdoxygen can be installed from CRAN or -- the latest development version -- from Github with devtools via


To use roxygen to setup and afterwards update your doxygen documentation, you can simply run


in your package directory. doxy() calls doxy_init() if there's no Doxyfile (doxygen configuration file) yet. Otherwise it just updates the documentation.

The package provides a RStudio Addin named rdoxygenize that binds to the function doxy(). doxy() can therefore be called with a keyboard shortcut (e.g. CTRL+SHIFT+-). This makes the user experience comparable to roxygen2 documentation via devtools::document() (usually CTRL+SHIFT+D).

A simple example

The rdoxygen package serves by itself as an example for its application. You can browse the code on Github. For the application and preparation of rdoxygen we're going to look at the package's DESCRIPTION file and the directories src, inst and vignettes.

In our example we have a single C++ function docu_test_function() that's made accessible to R with Rcpp. In the src directory of our package we find a header file foo.h, the respective implementation in bar.cpp and the automatically created RcppExports.cpp.

|-- src
|   |-- bar.cpp
|   |-- foo.h
|   |-- RcppExports.cpp

In foo.h the docu_test_function() gets declared:


#include <Rcpp.h>

double docu_test_function(double a, double b);


The implementation belongs in bar.cpp:

#include "foo.h"

// [[Rcpp::export]]
double docu_test_function(double a, double b) {
  double c = a + b;
  return c;

It's possible to document C++ functions that are exposed to R with roxygen2. To do so, we could modify the .cpp file and add the relevant roxygen2 tags as described in Section 2.6 of the Rcpp Attributes vignette.

#include "foo.h"

//' Example function: roxygen2 documentation
//' This is the roxygen2 documentation of an example function.
//' @param a A double 
//' @param b A double 
//' @return A double a + b
//' @export 
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double docu_test_function(double a, double b) {
  double c = a + b;
  return c;

Now for the idea behind rdoxygen: If we want to add doxygen documentation for this function, we can modify the .h file and add doxygen comment blocks:


#include <Rcpp.h>

 * \file
 * Example function: doxygen documentation
 * This is the doxygen documentation of an example function.
double docu_test_function(double a, double b);


docu_test_function() behaves documentation wise as a global function. Therefore we have to add the \file tag in the documentation. This is more straight forward for classes and class methods. That's where doxygen truly shines.

If you want to add some general information at the doxygen startpage you can add it with the \mainpage tag anywhere in your header files:

/*! \mainpage rdoxygen example index page
 * rdoxygen test page
 * A test function is documented here: \link foo.h \endlink

Now that we have some doxygen documentation we can set up doxygen for our R package. To do this we can rely on the the main function of rdoxygen: doxy(). It requires doxygen to be installed (see Quickstart) and to be included in the system path variable. doxy() will first create a Doxyfile at inst/doc/doxygen/Doxyfile with doxy_init() if it doesn't yet exist. Next, it runs doxygen on the Doxyfile and creates a directory inst/doc/html where you can watch the result by opening the index.hml file with a browser. If vignette = TRUE, it creates a vignette allowing the Doxygen documentation to be viewed from within R with a call to vignette(). More about this in the next section.

Whenever you edit the documentation or the Doxyfile you can and should rerun doxy() to update the documentation. To simplify this, rdoxygen provides the RStudio Addin rdoxygenize. doxy() can therefore be called with a keyboard shortcut.

Access doxygen documentation in a vignette


Background information

Design Considerations

rdoxygen was

# create default Doxyfile, process it with Doxygen, optionally wrap in R vignette
doxy(vignette = TRUE)

# separate steps above
doxy_init() # create default Doxyfile
doxy(vignette = FALSE) # process
doxy_vignette() # wrap in R vignette

# can also edit an existing Doxyfile
doxy_edit(options = c(AUTOLINK_SUPPORT = "NO"))

Arguments to Exported Functions

# do all steps below and trigger doxygen rendering
doxy <- function(
  pkg = ".", # same as devtools::{document/load_all/install} argument, i.e., any subfolder of package root
  doxyfile = "inst/doc/doxygen/Doxyfile", # path to doxyfile relative to package root
  options, # passed to doxy_edit
  vignette = FALSE # add vignette: if TRUE then doxy_vignette is triggered
  name = "DoxygenVignette.Rmd", # passed to doxy_vignette
  index # passed to doxy_vignette

# add Doxyfile in package if it does not exist
doxy_init <- function(
  pkg = ".",
  doxyfile = "inst/doc/doxygen/Doxyfile"

# edit Doxyfile tags if doxyfile exists
doxy_edit <- function(
  pkg = ".", 
  doxyfile = "inst/doc/doxygen/Doxyfile", 
  options # named vector of key-value pairs to edit Doxyfile tags

# wrap Doxygen documentation in R vignette
doxy_vignette <- function(
  pkg = ".",
  name = "DoxygenVignette.Rmd", # name of Doxygen vignette
  index # name of vignette Index Entry. defaults to "C++ library documentation for package PackageName"
  overwrite = FALSE # should an existing vignette file be overwritten

Default File Locations

# paste the following to the bottom of existing .gitignore

!inst/doc # unignores inst/doc
inst/doc/* # ignore everything inside inst/doc but not inst/doc itself
!inst/doc/doxygen/Doxyfile # unignore Doxyfile

Default Doxyfile Tags

First, it should be noted that the INPUT tag cannot handle relative directories outside of where it's run, i.e.:

# in Doxyfile
INPUT = src/ # works fine
INPUT = ../src/ # does not work

Thus, rdoxygen runs Doxygen from the package root folder. That being said, here are the default tags rdoxygen sets in the Doxyfile:

INPUT = src/ inst/include/ # the two locations in which you expect to find C++ code
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = inst/doc/doxygen
PROJECT_NAME = "C++ Library Documentation for Package PackageName"

Also note that another useful option might be USE_MATHJAX = YES, which makes formulas look much nicer than when this option is set to NO.

nevrome/rdoxygen documentation built on Sept. 5, 2019, 3:12 p.m.