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wellspell is an RStudio Addin to quickly highlight spelling or grammar errors in text documents. It employs the hunspell spell checking engine via the hunspell package and the LanguageTool grammar checking engine via the LanguageToolR package to do so. Checking works for many languages.


Install the wellspell.addin R package from Github: devtools::install_github("nevrome/wellspell.addin"). To enable its features you need additional packages:

• Spellcheck

• Grammar check

Quickstart guide

To use wellspell.addin, you can select an arbitrary amount of text in a text document in RStudio (e.g. a markdown, latex or html document) and run spellcheck() or gramcheck(). As the functions are registered as RStudio Addins, it is possible to run them from the Addins dialogue or even with a keyboard shortcut (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+7 and Ctrl+Alt+8).

At the first run in a new environment, spellcheck() and gramcheck() will call set_config(), which is another Addin with a minimalistic user interface. It allows you to set environment variables to control the behaviour of the checking tools. If the environment variables are set, spellcheck() and gramcheck() select and thereby highlight all words/expressions identified as wrong.

The additional functions get_config(), is_config() and rm_config are for dealing with the environment variables and usually don`t have to be called directly.

How to install hunspell dictionaries for other languages?

A default RStudio installation includes English dictionaries for the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. In addition, dictionaries for many other languages can be installed. To add these dictionaries, go to the Spelling pane of the Options dialog, and select Install More Languages… from the language dictionary select box. This will download and install all of the available languages. Further instructions can be found here. If this does not work or the relevant languages are not in the default selection you can install languages by copying the dictionary files (.dic + .aff) to one of these locations: hunspell::dicpath().

nevrome/wellspell.addin documentation built on Feb. 13, 2021, 11:32 p.m.