  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


Reproduction of examples in official documentation.


path <- datapath('poincare_hypernyms_large.tsv')
poincare <- model_poincare(path)
poincare$train(epochs = 50L)

# What is the distance between the words 'mammal' and 'carnivore'?
poincare$kv$distance('mammal.n.01', 'carnivore.n.01')

# Check the distances between a word and a list of other words.
poincare$kv$distances('mammal.n.01', list('carnivore.n.01', 'dog.n.01'))

# Check the distances between a word and every other word in the vocab.
all_distances <- poincare$kv$distances('mammal.n.01')

# Which words are most similar to 'kangaroo'?
poincare$kv$most_similar('kangaroo.n.01', topn = 2L)

# What is the similarity between the words 'mammal' and 'carnivore'?
poincare$kv$similarity('mammal.n.01', 'carnivore.n.01')

# Representation of 'kangaroo'

news-r/gensimr documentation built on Jan. 9, 2021, 5:55 a.m.