ds14_Oscar_Winner_Age: Data Set 14: Ages of Oscar Winners

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Ages (years) of actresses and actors at the times that they won Oscars for the categories of Best Actress and Best Actor. The ages are listed in chronological order by row, so that corresponding locations in the two tables are from the same year. (Notes: In 1968 there was a tie in the Best Actress category, and the mean of the two ages is used; in 1932 there was a tie in the best Actor category, and the mean of the two ages is used. These data are suggested by the article "Ages of Oscar-winning Best Actors and Actresses" by Richard Brown and Gretchen Davis, Mathematics Teacher magazine. In that article, the year of birth of the award winner was subtracted from the year the awards ceremony, but the ages listed here are calculated from teh birth date of the winner and the date of the awards ceremony.) The data are complete as of this writing.


A data frame with 87 rows and 2 variables


Triola, M. 2018. Elementary Statistics, 13th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson.

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