sig.region: Johnson-Neyman Significance Regions

Description Usage Arguments


Estimates the Johnson-Neyman significance bounds for a linear fit. These are the bounds at which the effect of the predictor on the outcome changes from being significant to being non-signficant given varying values of the moderator(s). Also estmates the confidence bands for the slope of the predictor on the outcome for varying levels of the moderator(s).


sig.region(fit, predictor = NULL, moderator = NULL, mod.range = NULL, at.mod2.level = NULL, mod2.level.names = NULL, alpha = 0.05, simultaneous = FALSE)



the output of a call to lm() containing a linear interaction between a continuous predictor and one or two moderators. If other variables are included in the model, all output will be taken with those variables set to 0.


optional; a string containing the name of the predictor. By default, it is assumed that the first variable to appear in fit is the predictor; if not, it must be specified here.


optional; a string containing the name of the moderator. By default, it is assumed that the second variable to appear in fit is the sole moderator; if not, it must be specified here. If more than one moderator is present, all of them must be named because the default is to only use the second variable in the fit.


optional; a vector of length 2 containing the range of the first moderator for which the simple regression lines are to be plotted in a call to plot.sig.region(). The output of sig.region() will also note whether the computed significance bounds are within the range of the moderator. If NULL, will use the range of the moderator given in fit.


optional; a list of values of the second moderator (if present) for which the signfiicance bounds and regions are to be computed. If NULL and two moderators are specified, will compute the signfiicance bounds and regions at the mean, mean - SD, and mean + SD of the second moderator. Ideally, each item in the list will be named in accordance with each moderator, but otherwise each item will be used in the order it appears.


optional; a vector of the same length as at.mod2.level containing the names of the levels of the second moderator for which the signfiicance bounds and regions are to be calculated, in the same order as at.mod2.level. If NULL, will use the values of the second moderator as the names, unless at.mod2.level is also NULL and the moderator is continuous, in which case "Mean", "Mean - SD", and "Mean + SD" will be used.


the alpha value (significance criterion) corresponding to the confidence level for the signfiicance bounds and regions.


whether the bounds and bands should be calculated considering the tests as simultaneous or not. If so, a stricter criterion is used, making the bands wider.


a sig.region object; the output of a call to sig.region().


the number of digits to be displayed for the significance bounds.


a vector of colors to be used to specify the colors of the lines in the significance bands plot. See 'Color Specification' at par.


logical; whether to print results using ggplot2 or R's graphics.

ngreifer/modprobe documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:20 a.m.