Man pages for nhejazi/methyvim
Targeted, Robust, and Model-free Differential Methylation Analysis

cluster_sitesCpG Neighborhoods from Genomic Distance
fdr_msaFDR-MSA correction
force_positivityEnforce the Assumption of Positivity
limma_screenScreening procedure based on LIMMA
methyheatHeatmap for methytmle objects
methytmle-classConstructor for class methytmle
methyvimDifferential Methylation Statistics with Variable Importance...
methyvim_tmleDifferential Methylation with Classical Target Parameters
methyvolcVolcano plot for methytmle objects
plot.methytmlePlot p-values of methytmle objects
set_parallelParallelization with Futures and BiocParallel
wrap_in_tryWrap a Function in a Try Statement
nhejazi/methyvim documentation built on April 30, 2020, 7:14 p.m.