Man pages for nhejazi/nima
Nima Hejazi's R Toolbox

absmaxMaximum of Absolute Values of Vector
attrnamesGet Names of Attributes
clearClear the Current Screen/Buffer
commasAdd Commas to a Large Number
discrete_by_quantileDiscretize a Vector by Quantiles
exitExit R Without Saving
factor_to_numConvert a Factor to Numeric
hwebView HTML Version of Help Files
lm_plotLinear Model Diagnostic Plots
miss_indAdd missingness indicators to existing data object
mseMean Squared Error
nllRisk for Cross-Entropy Loss
openfileOpen a File
qq_plotQuantile-Quantile Plots
scale_color_nimaNima's ggplot2 theme - supplement: scale_color
scale_fill_nimaNima's ggplot2 theme - supplement: scale_fill
sim_plotVisualize Summaries of Simulation Results
summarize_simSummarize Simulations Results
theme_jetblackA jet black theme with inverted colors
theme_nimaNima's plotting theme
uniqlenFind Number of Unique Values
nhejazi/nima documentation built on March 10, 2020, 1:10 a.m.