#' Access files in the current app
#' NOTE: If you manually change your package name in the DESCRIPTION,
#' don't forget to change it here too, and in the config file.
#' For a safer name change mechanism, use the `golem::set_golem_name()` function.
#' @param ... character vectors, specifying subdirectory and file(s)
#' within your package. The default, none, returns the root of the app.
#' @noRd
app_sys <- function(...){
system.file(..., package = "systemdynamics")
#' Read App Config
#' @param value Value to retrieve from the config file.
#' @param config GOLEM_CONFIG_ACTIVE value. If unset, R_CONFIG_ACTIVE.
#' If unset, "default".
#' @param use_parent Logical, scan the parent directory for config file.
#' @noRd
get_golem_config <- function(
config = Sys.getenv(
use_parent = TRUE
value = value,
config = config,
# Modify this if your config file is somewhere else:
file = app_sys("golem-config.yml"),
use_parent = use_parent
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