
Many of R's built-in functions and functions in contributed packages call C routines in order to improve efficiency or make use of external libraries. We would like to be able to infer type information for these functions the same way we can infer type information for pure R code.

Built-in functions typically call routines through .Primitive and .Internal, while packages (plus a few built-in functions) call routines through .C, .Call, and .External.

As an example, we can study the length() function, which uses .Primitive(). The length() function is a useful first example because its type signature is simple: $$length: \forall a. a \to Integer$$. In other words, the length() function has only 1 parameter, which is not optional, and it always returns a scalar integer.

The .Primitive() function takes the name of a primitive as its only argument. The interpreter looks up this name in a table, R_FunTab, defined at src/main/names.c. The table maps primitive names to routines. From the table, we can see that the "length" primitive corresponds to the do_length routine.

The do_length routine, defined in src/main/array.c is:

SEXP attribute_hidden do_length(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
    checkArity(op, args);
    check1arg(args, call, "x");

    SEXP x = CAR(args), ans;

    if (isObject(x) &&
      DispatchOrEval(call, op, "length", args, rho, &ans, 0, 1)) {
          if (length(ans) == 1 && TYPEOF(ans) == REALSXP) {
              double d = REAL(ans)[0];
              if (R_FINITE(d) && d >= 0. && d <= INT_MAX && floor(d) == d) {
                      ans = coerceVector(ans, INTSXP);

    // or use IS_LONG_VEC
    R_xlen_t len = xlength(x);
    if (len > INT_MAX) return ScalarReal((double) len);
    return ScalarInteger(length(x));

Primitive routines such as this one have a standard signature. Their name always begins with do_, they always return a SEXP, and they always have the argument list (SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env). These arguments are:

Let's examine this function line-by-line to determine how inference might work. The first two lines are sanity checks. The checkArity() macro calls Rf_checkArityCall(). This routine checks that the call has the correct number of arguments. The check1arg() macro is an alias for the routine Rf_check1arg(), which checks that in a call with one argument, the argument has the correct name. The next line defines a SEXP x to hold the first argument in the argument list and a SEXP ans to hold the result. The if-statement uses the isObject() macro to check whether the argument has a class set. When the argument does have a class set, then the if-statement uses DispatchOrEval() to attempt calling its "length" method. The result is saved into ans and returned. If the result is an integer-valued numeric scalar, it is converted to an integer before being returned. Next, if R is compiled with long vector support, the length may be too large to fit in an integer, so the code uses two lines to check for this. The call to xlength() is similar to the call to length() on the last line, but handles long vectors correctly. The inline function length() is defined by:

INLINE_FUN R_len_t length(SEXP s)
    switch (TYPEOF(s)) {
    case NILSXP:
    return 0;
    case LGLSXP:
    case INTSXP:
    case REALSXP:
    case CPLXSXP:
    case STRSXP:
    case CHARSXP:
    case VECSXP:
    case EXPRSXP:
    case RAWSXP:
    return LENGTH(s);
    case LISTSXP:
    case LANGSXP:
    case DOTSXP:
    int i = 0;
    while (s != NULL && s != R_NilValue) {
        s = CDR(s);
    return i;
    case ENVSXP:
    return Rf_envlength(s);
    return 1;

nick-ulle/rstubgen documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:48 p.m.