
The goal is to examine how difficult it is to generate typed function signatures for base R functions from the underlying C code. We call these "stubs" since they can be written as a stub of a regular function definition. That is, a function definition with no body. For instance, the stub for the length() function (using the types syntax) is:

length = function(x =? Any) {} ? Integer

There are many functions where the return type is value-dependent. For instance,

ifelse = function(test =? Vec[Logical], yes =? Any, no =? Any) {} ? Vec[Any]

The example

ifelse(c(1, 1) > 1, 0, "a")
# 0 0
ifelse(c(-1, 1) > 1, 0, "a")
# "a" "0"

shows that we cannot be any more specific about the return type unless we use run-time values. In general, we cannot type these functions accurately (although callers may implicitly assert the expected return type through usage).

So as a first objective, we need to figure out how many functions in base R are problematic. That is, functions whose return type depends on the value of their input. Note that functions whose return type depends on the type of their input are not problematic.

We can get a list of all primitive functions in base with

objs = ls("package:base")
is_primitive = sapply(objs, function(x) is.primitive(get(x)))
#  [1] "-"               ":"               "!"               "!="
#  [5] "("               "["               "[["              "[[<-"
#  [9] "[<-"             "{"               "@"               "@<-"
# [13] "*"               "/"               "&"               "&&"
# [17] "%*%"             "%/%"             "%%"              "^"
# [21] "+"               "<"               "<-"              "<<-"
# [25] "<="              "="               "=="              ">"
# [29] ">="              "|"               "||"              "~"
# [33] "$"               "$<-"             "abs"             "acos"
# [37] "acosh"           "all"             "any"             "anyNA"
# [41] "Arg"             ""         "as.character"    "as.complex"
# [45] "as.double"       "as.environment"  "as.integer"      "as.logical"
# [49] "as.numeric"      "as.raw"          "asin"            "asinh"
# [53] "atan"            "atanh"           "attr"            "attr<-"
# [57] "attributes"      "attributes<-"    "baseenv"         "break"
# [61] "browser"         "c"               "call"            "ceiling"
# [65] "class"           "class<-"         "Conj"            "cos"
# [69] "cosh"            "cospi"           "cummax"          "cummin"
# [73] "cumprod"         "cumsum"          "digamma"         "dim"
# [77] "dim<-"           "dimnames"        "dimnames<-"      "emptyenv"
# [81] "enc2native"      "enc2utf8"        "environment<-"   "exp"
# [85] "expm1"           "expression"      "floor"           "for"
# [89] "forceAndCall"    "function"        "gamma"           "gc.time"
# [93] "globalenv"       "if"              "Im"              "interactive"
# [97] "invisible"       "is.array"        "is.atomic"       ""
#[101] "is.character"    "is.complex"      "is.double"       "is.environment"
#[105] "is.expression"   "is.finite"       "is.function"     "is.infinite"
#[109] "is.integer"      "is.language"     "is.list"         "is.logical"
#[113] "is.matrix"       ""           ""         "is.nan"
#[117] "is.null"         "is.numeric"      "is.object"       "is.pairlist"
#[121] "is.raw"          "is.recursive"    "is.single"       "is.symbol"
#[125] "isS4"            "lazyLoadDBfetch" "length"          "length<-"
#[129] "levels<-"        "lgamma"          "list"            "log"
#[133] "log10"           "log1p"           "log2"            "max"
#[137] "min"             "missing"         "Mod"             "names"
#[141] "names<-"         "nargs"           "next"            "nzchar"
#[145] "oldClass"        "oldClass<-"      "on.exit"         ""
#[149] "proc.time"       "prod"            "quote"           "range"
#[153] "Re"              "rep"             "repeat"          "retracemem"
#[157] "return"          "round"           "seq_along"       "seq_len"
#[161] ""         "sign"            "signif"          "sin"
#[165] "sinh"            "sinpi"           "sqrt"            "standardGeneric"
#[169] "storage.mode<-"  "substitute"      "sum"             "switch"
#[173] "tan"             "tanh"            "tanpi"           "tracemem"
#[177] "trigamma"        "trunc"           "unclass"         "untracemem"
#[181] "UseMethod"       "while"           "xtfrm"

So there are 183 primitive functions in R 3.4.1. Some of these are immediately easy to type. For instance, functions whose names start with is. always return a logical value. We can also eliminate assignment, control flow, and other "functions" that behave like keywords. The any(), all(), missing(), and anyNA() functions always return logical values. The baseenv(), emptyenv(), environment(), and globalenv() functions always return an environment. The Re(), Mod(), sign() always return a numeric (possibly vector). The call() function always returns a language object. The nargs() and length() functions always return integers. Functions whose names start with as. always return the described type. The class(), typeof(), and mode() functions always return a string (possibly vector). The ~ always produces a formula (language object). The expression() function always produces an expression. The proc.time() and gc.time() functions always returns a numeric.

None / Null
# "<-"              "<<-"             "="
# "break"           "if"              "function"        "next"
# "UseMethod"       "while"           "repeat"          "return"
# "for"             "standardGeneric"
# "browser"         "on.exit"

#                   "all"             "any"             "anyNA"
#                   "is.array"        "is.atomic"       ""
# "is.character"    "is.complex"      "is.double"       "is.environment"
# "is.expression"   "is.finite"       "is.function"     "is.infinite"
# "is.integer"      "is.language"     "is.list"         "is.logical"
# "is.matrix"       ""           ""         "is.nan"
# "is.null"         "is.numeric"      "is.object"       "is.pairlist"
# "is.raw"          "is.recursive"    "is.single"       "is.symbol"
# "isS4"            "missing"         "interactive"
# "!"               "!="              "&"               "&&"
# "<"               "<="              "=="              ">"
# ">="              "|"               "||"
# "nzchar"

# "length"          "nargs"           "seq_len"         "seq_along"
# "xtfrm"

# "Re"              "Mod"             "sign"
# "proc.time"       "gc.time"
# "%/%"             "%%"

# "baseenv"         "emptyenv"        "globalenv"       ""

# "expression"      "call"            "~"

# "class"           "enc2native"      "enc2utf8"

Same Type
# ""         "as.character"    "as.complex"
# "as.double"       "as.environment"  "as.integer"      "as.logical"
# "as.numeric"      "as.raw"          

Number (depends on input types)
# "-"               ":"               "*"               "/"
# "+"               "abs"             "acos"            "acosh"
# "Arg"             "asin"            "asinh"           "atan"
# "atanh"           "Conj"            "cos"             "cosh"
# "cospi"           "cummax"          "cummin"          "cumprod"
# "cumsum"          "digamma"         "^"               "ceiling"
# "exp"             "expm1"           "floor"           "gamma"
# "Im"              "lgamma"          "log"             "log10"
# "log1p"           "log2"            "sin"             "sinh"
# "sinpi"           "sqrt"            
# "tan"             "tanh"            "tanpi"           "trigamma"
# "round"           "signif"          "trunc"
# ""

# "%*%"

# "("               "{"               "invisible"
# "rep"             "forceAndCall"

RHS Pass-through
# "@<-"             "[[<-"            "[<-"             "$<-"
# "attr<-"          "environment<-"   "length<-"        "levels<-"
# "attributes<-"    "class<-"         "dim<-"           "dimnames<-"
# "names<-"         "oldClass<-"      "storage.mode<-"  

Optional String
# "dimnames"        "names"           "oldClass"
# "tracemem"        "retracemem"      "untracemem"

Optional Integer
# "dim"

Upcast Inputs
# "c"

Polymorphic (with -Inf/Inf for NULL)
# "range"           "max"             "min"
# "prod"            "sum"

Essentially Type-dependent
# "["               "[["              "@"               "$"
# "list"            "switch"

Unknown / Complicated
# "attr"            "attributes"      "lazyLoadDBfetch"
# "unclass"         "quote"           "substitute"

So now the question is how many base R functions actually use the 6 functions that are difficult to type (or .C, .Call, .Internal).

nick-ulle/rstubgen documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:48 p.m.