Man pages for nickbond/catchstats
Tools for manipulating nested catchment datasets

alldownstreamReturn a vector of all subcatchments downstream of a...
all_pairsCreate a dataframe with all pairs in a vector of sites
allupstreamReturn a vector of all subcatchments upstream of a specified...
build_catchfunction for building a data frame for each site in sitelist
catch_statsCalculate full catchment statistics by summing field(s)...
findndsIdentify the next downstream site from a set of candidates
mwcatsPhysiographic and climatic catchment variables
networkstatssummarise river network character between site pairs
pairReachesCreate a list of all reaches between two sites in a river...
pipePipe operator
riverreachreturns list of subcatchments between 2 subcatchments on the...
nickbond/catchstats documentation built on July 10, 2024, 9:56 a.m.