mwcats: Physiographic and climatic catchment variables

mwcatsR Documentation

Physiographic and climatic catchment variables


A dataset containing catchment variables for catchments around Melbourne, Australia.




A data frame with 12319 rows and 12 variables:

  • site. Site code

  • nextds. Next downstream site code

  • scstrlen. Subcatchment stream length (km)

  • catarea. subcatchment area (km2)

  • elevation. mean subcatchment elevation

  • mean annual runoff (mm)

  • attt.forest. Attenuated Forest Cover (forest cover; 0-1, weigthed by proximity to streamlines)

  • dai9. Attenuated impervious surface cover

  • dai92030. projected attenuated impervious surface cover for 2030

  • stranntemp. Annual stream temperature

  • rdi. River disturbance index

  • strahler. Strahler stream order.

A data frame with 12319 rows and 10 variables

nickbond/catchstats documentation built on July 10, 2024, 9:56 a.m.