
Defines functions pred_diff

Documented in pred_diff

#' Obtain predictions resulting from shifting a single feature
#' @param object a preddiff object passed through the partial_effects function 

pred_diff <- 
function(object) {
  ## Unlist object
  features <- object$features
  unique_val <- object$unique_val
  pc_num <- object$pc_num
  model <- object$model
  pca_object <- object$pca_object
  type <- object$type
  ## Length of output vectors
  len_out <- length(unique_val)
  ## Vector to store prediction
  pred_load_diff <- function(feature) {
    pred_vec <- rep(0, length(unique_val))
    for (i in 2:(length(unique_val))) {
      ## Define matrices
      mat_tmp_old <- pca_object$x
      mat_tmp_new <- pca_object$x
      ## Old and new PC values
      mat_tmp_old[, pc_num] <- unique_val[i - 1]
      mat_tmp_new[, pc_num] <- unique_val[i]
      ## New and old original matrices
      dat_temp_old <- rev_pca(data = mat_tmp_old, pca_object = pca_object)
      dat_temp_new <- rev_pca(data = mat_tmp_new, pca_object = pca_object)
      ## Use the old matrix except the updated value for the feature of interest
      loc_load <- which(colnames(dat_temp_new) == feature)
      dat_temp_old[, loc_load] <- dat_temp_new[, loc_load]
      ## Get predictions
      if(type == "regression") {
        pred_vec[i] <- regression_preds(model, dat_temp_old)
      } else {
        pred_vec[i] <- classification_preds(model, dat_temp_old)
  vapply(features, pred_load_diff, FUN.VALUE = numeric(len_out))
nickseedorff/totalvis documentation built on May 12, 2021, 8:49 p.m.