ggadd_supvars: Plot of categorical supplementary variables

View source: R/ggadd_supvars.R

ggadd_supvarsR Documentation

Plot of categorical supplementary variables


Adds categorical supplementary variables to a MCA cloud of variables.


ggadd_supvars(p, resmca, vars, excl = NULL, points = "all", min.cos2 = 0.1,
axes = c(1,2), col = NULL,
shapes = FALSE, prop = NULL, textsize = 3, shapesize = 6,
vlab = TRUE, vname = NULL,
force = 1, max.overlaps = Inf)



ggplot2 object with the cloud of variables


object of class MCA, speMCA, csMCA, stMCA or multiMCA.


A data frame of categorical supplementary variables. All these variables should be factors.


character vector of supplementary categories to exclude from the plot, specified in the form "namevariable.namecategory" (for instance "Gender.Men"). If NULL (default), all the supplementary categories are plotted.


character string. If 'all' all categories are plotted (default); if 'besth' only those with a minimum squared cosine on horizontal axis are plotted; if 'bestv' only those with a minimum squared cosine on vertical axis are plotted; if 'besthv' only those with a minimum squared cosine on horizontal or vertical axis are plotted; if 'best' only those with a minimum squared cosine on the plane are plotted.


numerical value. The minimal squared cosine if 'points' argument is different from 'all'. Default


numeric vector of length 2, specifying the components (axes) to plot. Default is c(1,2).


character string. Color name for the labels (and the shapes if shapes=TRUE) of the categories. If NULL, the default palette of ggplot2 is used, with one color per variable.


Logical. If TRUE, symbols are used in addition to the labels of categories. Default is FALSE.


If NULL, the size of the labels (if shapes=FALSE), or of the labels and the shapes (if shapes=TRUE) is constant. If 'n', the size is proportional the the weights of categories; if 'vtest1', the size is proportional to the test values of the categories on the first dimension of the plot; if 'vtest2', the size is proportional to the test values of the categories on the second dimension of the plot; if 'cos1', the size is proportional to the cosines of the categories on the first dimension of the plot; if 'cos2', the size is proportional to the cosines of the categories on the second dimension of the plot; if 'cos12', the size is proportional to the total cosines of the categories on the two dimensions of the plot.


Size of the labels of categories if shapes is TRUE, or if shapes is FALSE and prop is NULL. Default is 3.


Size of the shapes if prop=NULL, maximum size of the shapes in other cases. Default is 6.


Logical. If TRUE (default), the variable name is added as a prefix for the labels of the categories.


deprecated, use vlab instead


Force of repulsion between overlapping text labels. Defaults to 1. If 0, labels are not repelled at all.


Exclude text labels that overlap too many things. Defaults to Inf, which means no labels are excluded.


a ggplot2 object


Shapes and labels are colored according to the categories of the variable, using the default ggplot2 palette. The palette can be customized using any scale_color_* function, such as scale_color_brewer(), scale_color_grey() or scale_color_manual().


Nicolas Robette


Le Roux B. and Rouanet H., Multiple Correspondence Analysis, SAGE, Series: Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences, Volume 163, CA:Thousand Oaks (2010).

Le Roux B. and Rouanet H., Geometric Data Analysis: From Correspondence Analysis to Stuctured Data Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (June 2004).

See Also

ggcloud_variables, ggadd_supvar, ggadd_ellipses, ggadd_kellipses, ggadd_density, ggadd_interaction, ggsmoothed_supvar, ggadd_chulls, ggadd_corr


# specific MCA of Music example data set
junk <- c("FrenchPop.NA", "Rap.NA", "Rock.NA", "Jazz.NA", "Classical.NA")
mca <- speMCA(Music[,1:5], excl = junk)
# adds several supplementary variables
# onto the cloud of variables
p <- ggcloud_variables(mca, col = "lightgrey", shapes = FALSE)
ggadd_supvars(p, mca, Music[, c("Gender","Age")])
# the same, excluding men
ggadd_supvars(p, mca, Music[, c("Gender","Age")], excl = "Gender.Men")
# the same, keeping only categories
# with cos2 >= 0.001 for dimension 1
ggadd_supvars(p, mca, Music[, c("Gender","Age")], points = "besth", min.cos2 = 0.001)

nicolas-robette/GDAtools documentation built on May 13, 2024, 2:09 a.m.