
bootstrap.location <-
           n_bootstr) {
    return(rddrawIndicesC3(n_loc, n_obs_cens * n_bootstr, location_effect$location_effect))

# # old version, not longer used
# bootstrap.location <- function(location_effect, n_loc, n_obs_cens, n_bootstr){
#   #--- for every hh in the census draw n_boot draw (indexes for) location effects ---#
#   helper_index <- sample(x = 1:n_loc, size = n_bootstr*n_obs_cens, replace = T)
#   #----- use the indexes to make a matrix with draws from the location effects ------#
#   return(matrix(location_effect[helper_index,1], ncol = n_bootstr))
#   # the ,1 serves to only give us the effect, not the associated location (not needed
#   # for simple residual bootstrapping)
#   # instead of directly drawing the location effects we draw indices indicating where
#   # we can find the location effect we drew in the vector of all location effects.
#   # since we draw independently, we can just make one big draw
#   # for every observation in the census we draw n_boot location effects
#   # random_location_boot therefore has n_obs_census*n_boot rows
#   # nrow(random_location_boot) == n_obs_census*n_boot
# }
nikosbosse/SAE documentation built on May 12, 2019, 4:37 a.m.