
The goal of cranscan is to make it easy to search for relevant R packages to your interests, using an interface based on papr.

The first step in this is retrieving the data from CRAN, and then appending a download count to it.


scan_cran_tbl <- scan_cran("miss | imp*")

#> # A tibble: 950 x 3
#>      package
#>        <chr>
#>  1  jsonlite
#>  2      curl
#>  3       DBI
#>  4  lazyeval
#>  5 backports
#>  6      lme4
#>  7     Hmisc
#>  8     git2r
#>  9     minqa
#> 10      glue
#> # ... with 940 more rows, and 2 more variables: description <chr>,
#> #   n_dl <dbl>

Future work

njtierney/cranscan documentation built on May 24, 2019, 6:11 a.m.