add_prop_miss: Add column containing proportion of missing data values

View source: R/add-n-prop-miss.R

add_prop_missR Documentation

Add column containing proportion of missing data values


It can be useful when doing data analysis to add the proportion of missing data values into your dataframe. add_prop_miss adds a column named "prop_miss", which contains the proportion of missing values in that row. You can specify the variables that you would like to show the missingness for.


add_prop_miss(data, ..., label = "prop_miss")



a dataframe


Variable names to use instead of the whole dataset. By default this looks at the whole dataset. Otherwise, this is one or more unquoted expressions separated by commas. These also respect the dplyr verbs starts_with, contains, ends_with, etc. By default will add "_all" to the label if left blank, otherwise will add "_vars" to distinguish that it has not been used on all of the variables.


character string of what you need to name variable


a dataframe

See Also

bind_shadow() add_any_miss() add_label_missings() add_label_shadow() add_miss_cluster() add_prop_miss() add_shadow_shift() cast_shadow()


airquality %>% add_prop_miss()
airquality %>% add_prop_miss(Solar.R, Ozone)
airquality %>% add_prop_miss(Solar.R, Ozone, label = "testing")

# this can be applied to model the proportion of missing data
# as in Tierney et al \doi{10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007450}
# see "Modelling missingness" in vignette "Getting Started with naniar"
# for details

njtierney/ggmissing documentation built on March 19, 2024, 9:40 p.m.