
When fitting a model with Bayesian methods you will typically end up with a list of MCMC samples. Tidying up MCMC output can be challenging as the default MCMC list is very large and unwieldy. There are plenty of packages that help with summarising MCMC and providing their own summaries, such as posterior and tidybayes. This package takes a different approach and focuses directly instead on providing a single tidy data structure, and calculating model summaries and diagnostics.

mmcc is an R[@Rcore] package that provides tidying functions that return tidy data structure from mcmc.list objects. It uses data.table as the backend for speed, provides broom [@broom] tidiers for summaries, and diagnostics to understand models.

The mmcc package will continue to be improved over time, to improve speed in computation and add workflows for using with other packages.


I would like to thank Sam Clifford for his initial work on the package and help providing the name.


njtierney/mmcc documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 12:14 a.m.