
Defines functions nldoc

Documented in nldoc

#' Create NetLogo documentation
#' @description Create NetLogo documentation
#' @param modelfiles vector of filepaths to model files
#' @param outpath Path to folder where rendered documentation should be created
#' @param gui TRUE/FALSE, if TRUE a table with GUI elements from the model will be included in the documentation
#' @param bs TRUE/FALSE, if TRUE a table with behavior space experiments will be included in the documentation
#' @param infotab TRUE/FALSE, if TRUE infotab section will be included in the documentation
#' @param output_format either "html", "pdf" or "docx"
#' @param number_ections TRUE/FALSE, if TRUE sections in the documentation will be numbered
#' @param theme markdown theme, supported themes are "journal", "cerulean", "flatly", "readable", "spacelab", "united", "cosmo"
#' @param date date that is printed in the documentation header
#' @param toc TRUE/FALSE, if TRUE the documentation contains a table of contents - only for html and pdf output format
#' @details
#' nldoc reads model code from the provided model files.
#' The code is then split into several groups (code, gui, behavior space).
#' The procedures then finds noxygen commands within the NetLogo model code.
#' For a complete list of noxygen commands type ?nldoc
#' These commands are translated into a markdown documentation file.
#' If needed, tables of gui elements and behavior space experiments are added to the markdown file.
#' Finally, the document is rendered in the specified format.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # List model files (.nls subfiles are also supported)
#' modelfiles <- c("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nldoc/nldoc_playground/master/0_Fire_NetLogoDoc.nlogo",
#'                 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nldoc/nldoc_playground/master/1_Fire_nls_example.nls")
#' # Create documentation:
#' nldoc(modelfiles = modelfiles,
#'       infotab=TRUE,
#'       gui=TRUE,
#'       bs=TRUE,
#'       outpath = "C:/out",
#'       output_format = "html",
#'       number_sections = TRUE,
#'       theme = "cosmo",
#'       date = date(),
#'       toc = TRUE)
#' }
#' @aliases nldoc
#' @rdname nldoc
#' @export

nldoc <- function(modelfiles,
                  infotab = TRUE,
                  gui = TRUE,
                  bs = TRUE,
                  output_format = "html",
                  number_sections = TRUE,
                  theme = "journal",
                  date = today(),
                  toc = TRUE)
  ## Read code from provided netlogo files:
  nlogocode <- (modelfiles)
  ## Parse code to noxygencode:
  noxygen <- util_parse_modelcode(nlogocode)

  ## Read gui elements from nlogo file:
  if (isTRUE(gui))
    noxygen_gui <- util_table_gui(modelfiles)
  } else
    noxygen_gui <- NA

  ## Read behaviorspace experiments:
  if (isTRUE(bs))
    noxygen_bs <- util_table_bs(modelfiles)
  } else
    noxygen_bs <- NA

  ## Read infotab
  if (isTRUE(infotab))
    noxygen_it <- nlogocode$infotabcode
  } else
    noxygen_it <- NA

  ## Write noxygen to nldoc
  util_write_nldoc(noxygen = noxygen,
                   noxygen_it = noxygen_it,
                   noxygen_gui = noxygen_gui,
                   noxygen_bs = noxygen_bs,
                   outpath = outpath,
                   output_format = output_format,
                   number_sections = number_sections,
                   theme = theme,
                   date = date,
                   toc = toc)

nldoc/nldoc documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:52 p.m.