
#' @title Utilities and kinship information for Behavior Genetics and Developmental research using the NLSY.
#' @description Utilities and kinship information for Behavior Genetics and Developmental research using the NLSY.
#' Researchers and grad students interested using the [NLSY](https://www.nlsinfo.org/) for Behavior Genetics and family research, please start with our 2016 article,
#' '[*The NLSY Kinship Links: Using the NLSY79 and NLSY-Children Data to Conduct Genetically-Informed and Family-Oriented Research*](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10519-016-9785-3).
#' @docType package
#' @name NlsyLinks-package
#' @aliases NlsyLinks
#' @note This package considers both Gen1 and Gen2 subjects.  "Gen1" refers to
#' subjects in the original NLSY79 sample
#' (https://www.nlsinfo.org/content/cohorts/nlsy79).  "Gen2" subjects are the
#' biological children of the Gen1 females -ie, those in the NLSY79 Children
#' and Young Adults sample (https://www.nlsinfo.org/content/cohorts/nlsy79-children).
#' The release version is available through [CRAN](https://cran.r-project.org/package=NlsyLinks) by
#' running `install.packages('NlsyLinks')`.
#' The most recent development version is available through [GitHub](https://github.com/nlsy-links/NlsyLinks) by
#' running
#' `devtools::install_github` `(repo = 'nlsy-links/NlsyLinks')`
#' (make sure [devtools](https://cran.r-project.org/package=devtools) is already installed).
#' If you're having trouble with the package, please install the development version.  If this doesn't solve
#' your problem, please create a [new issue](https://github.com/nlsy-links/NlsyLinks/issues), or email Will.
#' @author
#' [William Howard Beasley](http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ffsJTC0AAAAJ) (Howard Live Oak LLC, Norman)
#' [Joseph Lee Rodgers](https://www.vanderbilt.edu/psychological_sciences/bio/joe-rodgers) (Vanderbilt University, Nashville)
#' [David Bard](https://medicine.ouhsc.edu/Academic-Departments/Pediatrics/Sections/Developmental-Behavioral-Pediatrics/Faculty/david-e-bard-phd) (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, OKC)
#' [Michael D. Hunter](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=TbTNHKwAAAAJ&hl=en) (Pennsylvania State University)
#' Patrick O'Keefe (Oregon Health and Science University)
#' Kelly Meredith Williams (Oklahoma City University, OKC)
#' [S. Mason Garrison](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5to21boAAAAJ) (Wake Forest University)
#' Maintainer: S. Mason Garrison <garrissm@wfu.edu>
#' @references This package's development was largely supported by the NIH
#' Grant 1R01HD65865, ["NLSY Kinship Links: Reliable and Valid Sibling
#' Identification"](https://taggs.hhs.gov/Detail/AwardDetail?arg_awardNum=R01HD065865&arg_ProgOfficeCode=50)
#' (PI: Joe Rodgers).  A more complete list of research articles
#' using NLSY Kinship Links is maintained on our [package's
#' website](https://nlsy-links.github.io/NlsyLinks/articles/publications.html).
#' Rodgers, Joseph Lee, & Kohler, Hans-Peter (2005).
#' [Reformulating and simplifying the DF analysis model](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15685433/).
#' *Behavior Genetics, 35* (2), 211-217.
#' Rodgers, J.L., Bard, D., Johnson, A., D'Onofrio, B., & Miller, W.B. (2008).
#' [The Cross-Generational Mother-Daughter-Aunt-Niece Design: Establishing
#' Validity of the MDAN Design with NLSY Fertility Variables.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2712575/).
#' *Behavior Genetics, 38*, 567-578.
#' D'Onofrio, B.M., Van Hulle, C.A., Waldman, I.D., Rodgers, J.L., Rathouz,
#' P.J., & Lahey, B.B. (2007). [Causal inferences regarding prenatal alcohol
#' exposure and childhood externalizing problems.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17984398/).
#' *Archives of General Psychiatry, 64*, 1296-1304.
#' Rodgers, J.L. & Doughty, D. (2000).  [Genetic and environmental influences
#' on fertility expectations and outcomes using NLSY kinship data.](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4615-4467-8_6)
#' In J.L. Rodgers, D. Rowe, & W.B. Miller (Eds.)
#' *Genetic influences on fertility and sexuality.* Boston: Kluwer Academic Press.
#' Cleveland, H.H., Wiebe, R.P., van den Oord, E.J.C.G., & Rowe, D.C. (2000).
#' [Behavior problems among children from different family structures: The
#' influence of genetic self-selection.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10953940/)
#' *Child Development, 71*, 733-751.
#' Rodgers, J.L., Rowe, D.C., & Buster, M. (1999). [Nature, nurture, and first
#' sexual intercourse in the USA: Fitting behavioural genetic models to NLSY
#' kinship data](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10081235/).
#' *Journal of Biosocial Sciences, 31*.
#' Rodgers, J.L., Rowe, D.C., & Li, C. (1994). [Beyond nature versus nurture:
#' DF analysis of nonshared influences on problem behaviors.](https://psycnet.apa.org:443/journals/dev/30/3/374/)
#' *Developmental Psychology, 30*, 374-384.
#' @keywords package
#' @examples
#' library(NlsyLinks) # Load the package into the current R session.
#' summary(Links79Pair) # Summarize the five variables.
#' hist(Links79Pair$R) # Display a histogram of the Relatedness values.
#' table(Links79Pair$R) # Create a table of the Relatedness values for the whole sample.
#' \dontrun{
#' # Install/update NlsyLinks with the release version from CRAN.
#' install.packages("NlsyLinks")
#' # Install/update NlsyLinks with the development version from GitHub
#' # install.packages('devtools') #Uncomment if 'devtools' isn't installed already.
#' devtools::install_github("nlsy-links/NlsyLinks")
#' }
nlsy-links/NlsyLinks documentation built on March 13, 2024, 4:05 a.m.