Man pages for nmmarquez/PointPolygon
Evaluate Point and Polygon Data Simulatneously

arealCIEstimate Confidence Intervals (CI) for Areal Probability...
bbCoordsExtract Boundary of Polygon as a Spatial Points Object
buildModelInputsBuild model inputs for use with runFieldModel
dividePolygonTDivide field into sections
dummyRoxygen commands
ggFieldRun a Model and Estimate Underlying Field From Point and...
ggFieldEstRun a Model and Estimate Underlying Field From Point and...
hRatioCalculate the height to width ratio of a spatial polygon
runDataUtaziRun a Model and Estimate Underlying Field From Point and...
runFieldModelRun a Model and Estimate Underlying Field From Point and...
runFieldModelUtaziRun a Model and Estimate Underlying Field From Point and...
samplePointsTake Point Observations from a spatial field.
samplePolygonsTake Observations from Polygons within the latent field
samplePPMixTake Observations from Points and Polygons within the latent...
simFieldSimulate A continous 2D spatial field using SPDE
simulateBetasEstimate Confidence Intervals (CI) for Beta Values in Linear...
simulateDataFieldCIEstimate Confidence Intervals (CI) for Probability Field Via...
simulateFieldCIEstimate Confidence Intervals (CI) for Probability Field Via...
nmmarquez/PointPolygon documentation built on Dec. 10, 2020, 1:15 a.m.