Defines functions Q.pCAR

Documented in Q.pCAR

#' Precision matrix for a pCAR process
#' @description Functions for creating precision matricies and observations
#' of a proper CAR(pCAR) process as defined in MacNab 2011. The matrix defines
#' the precision of estimates when observations share connections which are
#' conditionally auto-regressive(CAR).
#' @usage Q.pCAR(graph, sigma, rho, sparse=TRUE, vcov=FALSE)
#' @param n int > 0, number of observations to simulate from the GMRF.
#' @param graph matrix, square matrix indicating where two observations are
#' connected (and therefore conditionally auto-regressive).
#' @param sigma float > 0, process standard derviation see MacNab 2011.
#' @param rho float >= 0 & < 1, how correlated neighbors are. The
#' function will still run with values outside of the range [0,1) however the
#' stability of the simulation results are not gaurunteed. see MacNab 2011.
#' @param sparse bool Should the matrix be of class 'dsCMatrix'
#' @param vcov bool If the vcov matrix should be returned instead of the
#' precision matrix.
#' @return Q.pCAR returns either a precision or variance-covariance function
#' with a pCAR structure.
#' r.pCAR retrurns a matrix with n rows which are the n observations of a
#' Gaussian Markov random field pCAR process.
#' @examples
#' require("leaflet")
#' require("sp")
#' # simulate pCAR data and attach to spatial polygons data frame
#' US.df@data$data <- c(r.pCAR(1, graph=US.graph, sigma=1, rho=.99))
#' # color palette of data
#' pal <- colorNumeric(palette="YlGnBu", domain=US.df@data$data)
#' # see map
#' map1<-leaflet() %>%
#'     addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
#'     addPolygons(data=US.df, fillColor=~pal(data), color="#b2aeae",
#'                 fillOpacity=0.7, weight=0.3, smoothFactor=0.2) %>%
#'     addLegend("bottomright", pal=pal, values=US.df$data, title="", opacity=1)
#' map1
#' @references Y.C. MacNab On Gaussian Markov random fields and Bayesian
#' disease mapping. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 2011.
#' @export

Q.pCAR <- function(graph, sigma, rho, sparse=TRUE, vcov=FALSE){
    if(sigma <= 0) stop("sigma paramter must be greater than 0.")
    Q <- sigma**-1 * (diag(Matrix::rowSums(graph)) - rho * graph)
    if(vcov) Q <- Matrix::solve(Q)
    if(!sparse) Q <- Matrix::Matrix(Q, sparse=FALSE)
nmmarquez/ar.matrix documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:28 p.m.