MaxResults: Sets the maximum number of results to return.

Description Usage Arguments Value


Sets the maximum number of results to return. Optional. Maximum number of entries to include in this feed. You can use this in combination with start-index to retrieve a subset of elements, or use it alone to restrict the number of returned elements, starting with the first. If you do not use the max-results parameter in your query, your feed returns the default maximum of 1000 entries. The Analytics Data Export API returns a maximum of 10,000 entries per request, no matter how many you ask for. It can also return fewer entries than requested, if there aren't as many dimension segments as you expect. For instance, there are fewer than 300 possible values for ga:country, so when segmenting only by country, you can't get more than 300 entries, even if you set max-results to a higher value.





Maximum number of entries to include in the data feed. If not specified we return the default of 1000.


The max.results value if max.results.param is not set.

noahhl/r-google-analytics documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:29 p.m.