rpackager is an R package and dependency management tool similar to the Bundler package management used in Ruby.

There are two files created and used by rpackager -- Packages, which is user editable, and Packages.lock, which should generally not be edited manually.

The Packages file specifies the packages, versions, and sources needed by your project. It can be generated manually, or through calling GeneratePackageFile(path="."), which will generate a Packages file by searching recursively through the path specified and identifying calls to require or library.

A Packages file should look like (see also Packages.example):

# Place your R package requirements in this file.
# For specification options, see ?PackageFile.

pkg 'yaml'
pkg 'RCurl', source => ""
pkg 'rjson'
pkg 'XML'
pkg 'campfireR', git => ""
pkg 'Rook'
pkg 'fortunes', = 1.0.2

The general syntax for each line specifying a package is:

  pkg 'name-of-package', 'optional-version-specification', 'source-other-than-default-repository'

noahhl/rpackager documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:30 p.m.