Davis <- users group

1. Boundary values and mutiple solutions to the ODE Hamiltonian

Is this optimal path feasible or due to a numerical error

The comparison case for my stochastic, individual-based optimal control problem has been this ODE-based optimal control problem.

$$\begin{align} \frac{dN}{dt} &= r N (1 - N/K) - \alpha P - d N \ \frac{dP}{dt} &= \lambda P N - \mu P - d P - \alpha P - \alpha P^2/N + e^{-h} N \lambda_{ex} \end{align}$$

$$vN - ch$$

$$\begin{align} \mathcal{H} = &vN - ch + \ &\nu_1 \left( rN(1 - N/K) - \alpha P - d N \right) + \ &\nu_2 \left(\lambda P N - \mu P - d P - \alpha P - \alpha (P^2)/N + e^{-h} N \lambda_{ex} \right) \end{align}$$

$$\begin{align} \frac{d\nu_1}{dt} &= -v - \nu_1 \left(r - d - 2r \frac{N}{K}\right) - \nu_2 \left(\lambda P + \alpha \frac{P^2}{N^2} + e^{-h} \lambda_{ex} \right) + \delta \nu_1 \ \frac{d\nu_2}{dt} &= \nu_1 \alpha - \nu_2 \left(\lambda N - \mu - d - \alpha - \frac{2 \alpha P}{N} \right) + \delta \nu_2 \end{align}$$

$$ h \frac{d\mathcal H}{dh} = 0 = h \left( -c - \nu_2 e^{-h} N * \lambda_{ex} \right)$$

Since the problem is solved over a fixed time period, and there are no policy constraints on the terminal conditions, I don't have boundary conditions for the state or shadow variables, so I solve for initial values of $\nu_1$ and $\nu_2$ by maxmizing the overall profit, calculated as

$$\int_{t=0}^{100} vN(t) - ch(t) dt$$

I calculate this integral using cubic splines over the grid of the solution.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE)
h_fun = function(x) {
  ifelse(x >= 1, log(x), 0)

h_fun2 = approxfun(seq(0, 1000, by = 0.001), h_fun(seq(0, 1000, by = 0.001)), rule=2)
syseq2 = function(t, state, parms) {
  with(as.list(c(state, parms)), {
    #    h_calc = c(parms$control_min, parms$control_max, uniroot.all(hH_h,c(parms$control_min, parms$control_max), n=10000, t=t, state=state, parms=parms))
    #    if(length(h_calc) == 3) h_calc = c(h_calc, NA)
    #    H_calc = H(h_calc, t, state, parms)
    #    if(length(H_calc) == 3) H_calc = c(h_calc, NA)
    #    H_sel = max(H_calc, na.rm=TRUE)
    #    h = h_calc[which.max(H_calc)]
    if(parms$nocontrol) {
      h = 0
    } else {
      h = h_fun(-S2 * N * lambda_ex / c)
    #h = suppressWarnings()
    #if(is.nan(h)) h = 0
    #h = min(h, parms$control_max)
    dN = max(r*N*(1 - N/K), 0) - alpha*P - d*N
    if(isTRUE(all.equal(dN, 0))) dN = 0
    dP = lambda*P*N - mu*P - d*P - alpha*P - alpha*(P^2)/N + exp(-h)*N*lambda_ex
    ddNdN= r - d - 2*(r/K)*N
    ddPdN=lambda*P + alpha*(P^2/N^2) + exp(-h) * lambda_ex
    ddPdP=lambda*N - mu - d - alpha - 2*alpha*P/N
    dS1 = -v - S1*ddNdN - S2*ddPdN + delta*S1
    dS2 = -S1*ddNdP - S2*ddPdP + delta*S2
    derivs = c(dN=dN, dP=dP, dS1=dS1, dS2=dS2)
    return(list(derivs, c(derivs, h=h, ddNdN=ddNdN, ddPdN=ddPdN, ddNdP=ddNdP, ddPdP=ddPdP)))

hH_h = function(h, t, state, parms) {
  with(as.list(c(state, parms)), {
    h*( - c - S2 * exp(-h) * N * lambda_ex)

H = function(h, t, state, parms) {
  with(as.list(c(state, parms)), {
    val = v*N - c*h + S1*(r*N*(1 - N/K) - alpha*P - d*N) + S2*(lambda*P*N - mu*P - d*P - alpha*P - alpha*(P^2)/N + exp(-h)*N*lambda_ex)
# parms = list(
#   lambda = 0.001,
#   lambda_ex = 0.2,
#   alpha = 0.1,
#   mu = 0.01,
#   r = 0.5,
#   d = 0.01,
#   K = 100,
#   control_min = 0,
#   control_max = 1000,
#   v = 50,
#   c = 200,
#   delta = 0,
#   progress = TRUE
#   #micro_record = file("micro.txt", open="w+")
#   #  macro_record = file("macro.txt", open="w")
# )
# N0 = 98
# P0 = 0
# S10 =  0
# S20 =  0
# init = c(N = N0, P = P0, S1 = S10, S2 = S20)
# times = seq(0,40, by=1)

parms = list(
  lambda = 0.0002,
  lambda_ex = 0.05,
  alpha = 0.1,
  mu = 0.01,
  r = 0.5,
  d = 0.01,
  K = 1000,
  control_min = 0,
  control_max = 1000,
  v = 500,
  cost = 2000,
  c = 2000,
  delta = 0,
  nocontrol = FALSE,
  progress = TRUE
  #micro_record = file("micro.txt", open="w+")
  #  macro_record = file("macro.txt", open="w")

N0 = 999.9999
P0 = 0.00001
S10 =  100
S20 =  -400
init = c(N = N0, P = P0, S1 = S10, S2 = S20)
times = seq(0,40, by=1)
profout = function(out) {
  intval = integrate(splinefun(out[,"time"], (out[,"N"]*parms$v - (out[,"h"])*parms$c)*exp(-out[,"time"]*parms$delta)),
                     lower = out[1,"time"], upper=tail(out[,"time"], 1))

profun_base = function(ivals, sys, parms, times) {
  init = c(N=N0, P=P0, S1=ivals[1], S2=ivals[2])
  out = lsoda(init, times, sys, parms)

shadshoot_base = function(ivals, sys, parms, times, target, inits) {
  init = c(N=inits[1], P=inits[2], S1=ivals[1], S2=ivals[2])
  out = lsoda(init, times, sys, parms)
  # if(any(out[, "S2"] > 0)) return(Inf)
  obj = sum((tail(out, 1)[,c("S1", "S2")] - target)^2)
  if(any(is.na(obj))) obj = Inf

shadshoot_deriv_base = function(ivals, sys, parms, times, target, inits) {
  init = c(N=inits[1], P=inits[2], S1=ivals[1], S2=ivals[2])
  out = lsoda(init, times, sys, parms)
  # if(any(out[, "S2"] > 0)) return(Inf)
  obj = sum((tail(out, 1)[,c("dS1", "dS2")] - target)^2)
  if(any(is.na(obj))) obj = Inf

stateshoot_base = function(ivals, sys, parms, times, target) {
  init = c(N=N0, P=P0, S1=ivals[1], S2=ivals[2])
  out = lsoda(init, times, sys, parms)
  obj = sum(abs(tail(out, 1)[,c("N", "P")] - target))
  if(any(is.na(obj))) obj = Inf

profun = function(ivals, sys, parms, times) {
  memoizedCall(profun_base, ivals=ivals, sys=sys, parms=parms, times=times)

shadshoot = function(ivals, sys, parms, times, target, inits) {
  memoizedCall(shadshoot_base, ivals=ivals, sys=sys, parms=parms, times = times, target=target, inits=inits)

shadshoot_deriv = function(ivals, sys, parms, times, target, inits) {
  memoizedCall(shadshoot_deriv_base, ivals=ivals, sys=sys, parms=parms, times = times, target=target, inits=inits)

stateshoot = function(ivals, sys, parms, times, target) {
  memoizedCall(stateshoot_base, ivals=ivals, sys=sys, parms=parms, times=times, target=target)

This optimization successfully converges:

# #
opt0 <- nloptr_tr(x0 = c(S10,S20), eval_f = profun, lb=c(0, -1e3), ub=c(1e3, 0),
                  opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM", maxeval=2000, xtol_rel = -1, ftol_rel = 1e-6, population = 1000, print_level = ifelse(interactive(), 3, 0), ranseed = .Random.seed[1]), sys=syseq2, parms=parms, times=times)
opt0trace = tracer(opt0)
opt = nloptr_tr(x0 = opt0$solution, eval_f = profun, lb=c(0, -1e3), ub=c(1e3, 0),
                opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA", maxeval=400, xtol_rel = -1, ftol_rel = 1e-10, print_level = ifelse(interactive(), 3, 0), ranseed = .Random.seed[1]), sys=syseq2, parms=parms, times=times)

opttrace = tracer(opt)

landsc = rbind(opt0trace, opttrace)
scatterplot3js(landsc$xval1, landsc$xval2, -landsc$fval)

Above, the values r round(opt$solution[1], 3) and r round(opt$solution[2], 3) are the initial shadow values.

This yields the following optimal path:

#out_opt = lsoda(c(N = N0, P = P0, S1 = opt$solution[1], S2 = opt$solution[2]), times, syseq2, parms)
out_opt = lsoda(c(N = N0, P = P0, S1 = opt$solution[1], S2 = opt$solution[2]), times, syseq2, parms)
#matplot(out_opt[,1], out_opt[,c("N", "P", "h")], type="l", lty=1, lwd=1, main=round(profout(out_opt)))

out = as.data.frame(out_opt)
out_tidy = gather(out, "variable", "value", -time)
ggplot(filter(out_tidy, variable %in% c("N", "P", "h")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Population or Control level")) +

I sanity-checked these by using a shooting algorithm to finish the simulation at similar (not identical) finish points, which yields the same path.

Here is the path of the shadow values, which I show at 3 scales to show how they change and then go very negative very fast. Note that when the shadow values for the parasite go positive is when the optimal control falls to zero. This positive value is counter-intuitive but makes some sense. At that point in the epidemic, additional parasites will make the epidemic burn out quicker.

ggplot(filter(out_tidy, variable %in% c("S1", "S2")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Shadow value")) +
  theme_nr + ylim(-2e3, 2e3)

ggplot(filter(out_tidy, variable %in% c("S1", "S2")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Shadow value")) +
  theme_nr + ylim(-2e3, 3e5)

ggplot(filter(out_tidy, variable %in% c("S1", "S2")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Shadow value")) +

Note that the shadow value of the parasites goes positive at this point, which is counter-intuitive but I think makes sense.

Since the solution to $h \, d\mathcal{H}/ dh$ has multiple roots, I solve for both and determine the value of $h$ which gives the highest value for $\mathcal{H}$. Here is a plot of the $\mathcal{H}$ over time, as well as the control level:

ggplot(filter(out_tidy, variable %in% c("H_calc3", "H_calc4")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Hamiltonian")) +
  theme_nr + ylim(-20000, 5000)
ggplot(filter(out_tidy, variable %in% c("h_calc3", "h_calc4")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Control Level")) +

2. Numerical stability in calculating shadow values in the IBM

I've been working on improving the numerical stability of my IBM-optimization algorithm. Up until now, this has been a matter of speeding up code so as to reduce the grid size and increase the number of simulations I use to calculate the derivatives of the mean IBM behavior. However, I encountered a challenge in calcualting shadow values for which this doesn't help.

Shadow values are calculated via the adjoint equation:

$$\frac{d\nu}{dt} = - \frac{d\mathcal{H}}{dN} = - \frac{d\pi}{dN} - \nu \frac{dN'}{dN}$$

I approximate \frac{dx'}{dx} as

$$ \frac{dN'}{dN} = \frac{dN^2 / d^2t}{dN/dt} \approx \frac{\Delta N'}{\Delta N}$$

However, when the system has more than one state variable, this approximation doesn't hold because $\frac{dN'}{dN}$ needs to be calculated for each variable while holding the other constant, which isn't possible when calculating only via forward simulation.

However, I'm currently implementing another approach that takes advantage of the fact that the macro-level system representation is of two continuous variables ($N,P$), but the micro-level simulation is of discrete counts.

The "lifting" function generates a number of parallel instances of the micro-level simulation with discrete counts from the continuous macro-level variables. If the macro-level population in 18.7, it will generate 30% of the simulations starting with a population of 18 and 70% with a population, and average the results of all of them. This means I can directly calculate $\frac{dN'}{dN} \approx \frac{\Delta N'}{\Delta N}$ using the difference in $N$ between the different simulations. Over a range <1, this will be linear. In order to calculate with accuracy without increasing the number of simultions, I can simply allocate half the simulations to each discrete level, and use a weighted average to calculate outcomes.

opt0_s <- nloptr_tr(x0 = c(S10,S20), eval_f = shadshoot, lb=c(-1e5, -1e5), ub=c(1e5, 1e5),
                    opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM", maxeval=10000, xtol_abs = 1e-1 , ftol_rel = -1, xtol_rel = -1, stopval = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), print_level = ifelse(interactive(), 3, 0), ranseed = 1), sys=syseq2, parms=parms, times=times, target = c(0,0), inits=c(N0, P0))

next_x0 = opt0_s$solution
next_x0 = c(994.418963, -21566.358348)  
opt_s <- nloptr_tr(x0 = next_x0, eval_f = shadshoot, lb=c(0, -1e5), ub=c(1000, -20000),
                   opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LN_SBPLX", maxeval=10000, xtol_abs = -1 , xtol_rel = -1, ftol_rel = -1, ftol_abs = -1, stopval = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), print_level = ifelse(interactive(), 3, 0), ranseed = 1), sys=syseq2, parms=parms, times=times, target = c(0,0), inits=c(N0, P0))

shad_shoot_trace = rbind(tracer(opt0_s), tracer(opt_s))
outtail = tail(tracer(opt_s), 500)
lm(xval1 ~ log(fval), data=outtail)
lm(xval2 ~ log(fval), data=outtail)
plot(log(outtail$fval), outtail$xval1)
plot(outtail$xval2, log(outtail$fval))
scatterplot3js(outtail$xval1, outtail$xval2, log(outtail$fval))

# opt_s <- nloptr_tr(x0 = next_x0, eval_f = shadshoot, lb=c(0, -50000), ub=c(50000, -0),
#                opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA", maxeval=10000, xtol_abs = .Machine$double.eps , xtol_rel = -1, ftol_rel = -1, stopval = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), print_level = ifelse(interactive(), 3, 0), ranseed = 1), sys=syseq2, parms=parms, times=times, target = c(0,0), inits=c(N0, P0))
out_opt2 = lsoda(c(N = N0, P = P0, S1 = opt_s$solution[1], S2 = opt_s$solution[2]), times, syseq2, parms)

out_opt2 = lsoda(c(N = N0, P = P0, S1 = next_x0[1], S2 = next_x0[2]), times, syseq2, parms)
#matplot(out_opt[,1], out_opt[,c("N", "P", "h")], type="l", lty=1, lwd=1, main=round(profout(out_opt)))

out2 = as.data.frame(out_opt2)
out_tidy2 = gather(out2, "variable", "value", -time)

ggplot(filter(out_tidy2, variable %in% c("N", "P", "h")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Population or Control level")) +

ggplot(filter(out_tidy2, variable %in% c("ddNdN", "ddPdN", "ddNdP", "ddPdP")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Derivatives")) +

ggplot(filter(out_tidy2, variable %in% c("S1", "S2")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Shadow value")) +

ggplot(filter(out_tidy2, variable %in% c("dN", "dP", "dS1", "dS2")), aes(x = time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() + facet_wrap(~variable, ncol = 1, scales = "free")



opt0_st <- nloptr_tr(x0 = opt$solution, eval_f = stateshoot, lb=c(-1e6, -1e6), ub=c(1e6, 1e6),
                     opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM", maxeval=1000, xtol_rel = -1, ftol_rel = -1, stopval = 0, print_level = ifelse(interactive(), 3, 0), ranseed = .Random.seed[1]), sys=syseq2, parms=parms, times=times, target = c(98,0))

opt0_st_trace = tracer(opt0_st)

opt_st = nloptr_tr(x0 = opt0_st$solution, eval_f = stateshoot, lb=c(-Inf, -Inf), ub=c(Inf, Inf),
                   opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA", maxeval=1000, xtol_rel = -1, ftol_rel = -1, stopval = 0, print_level = ifelse(interactive(), 3, 0), ranseed = .Random.seed[1]), sys=syseq2, parms=parms, times=times, target = c(98,0))

opttrace_s = tracer(opt_st)

out_opt3 = lsoda(c(N = N0, P = P0, S1 = opt0_st$solution[1], S2 = opt_s$solution[2]), times, syseq2, parms)
#matplot(out_opt[,1], out_opt[,c("N", "P", "h")], type="l", lty=1, lwd=1, main=round(profout(out_opt)))

out3 = as.data.frame(out_opt3)
out_tidy3 = gather(out3, "variable", "value", -time)

ggplot(filter(out_tidy3, variable %in% c("N", "P", "h")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Population or Control level")) +

ggplot(filter(out_tidy, variable %in% c("S1", "S2")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Shadow value")) +

ggplot(filter(out_tidy, variable %in% c("dN", "dP", "dS1", "dS2")), aes(x = time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() + facet_wrap(~variable, ncol = 1, scales = "free")

shad_shoot_trace = rbind(opt0_s_trace, opttrace_s)
landscape = opt0_s_trace
scatterplot3js(shad_shoot_trace$xval1, shad_shoot_trace$xval2, log(shad_shoot_trace$fval))
scatterplot3js(opt0_s_trace$xval1[1:190], opt0_s_trace$xval2[1:190], log(opt0_s_trace$fval[1:190]))
parms = list(
  lambda = 0.0002,
  lambda_ex = 0.05,
  alpha = 0.1,
  mu = 0.01,
  r = 0.5,
  d = 0.01,
  K = 1000,
  control_min = 0,
  control_max = 0,
  v = 50,
  c = Inf,
  delta = 0,
  progress = TRUE
  #micro_record = file("micro.txt", open="w+")
  #  macro_record = file("macro.txt", open="w")

N0 = 1000
P0 = 0
#S10 = with(parms, {-v/(r - d - 2*(r/K)*N0)})
S10 =  95.325211
#S20 = with(parms, {(S10*alpha)/(lambda*N0 - mu - d - alpha - 2*alpha*P0/N0)})
S20 =  -465.441918
init = c(N = N0, P = P0, S1 = S10, S2 = S20)
times = seq(0,40, by=1)

parms0 = parms
parms0$control_max = 0

out_opt2 = lsoda(c(N = N0, P = P0, S1 = S[1], S2 = S[2]), times, syseq2, parms)
#matplot(out_opt[,1], out_opt[,c("N", "P", "h")], type="l", lty=1, lwd=1, main=round(profout(out_opt)))

out2 = as.data.frame(out_opt2)
out_tidy2 = gather(out2, "variable", "value", -time)

ggplot(filter(out_tidy2, variable %in% c("N", "P", "h")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Population or Control level")) +
opt0_s <- nloptr_tr(x0 = c(S10,S20), eval_f = shadshoot_deriv, lb=c(-1e5, -1e5), ub=c(1e5, 1e5),
                    opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM", maxeval=10000, xtol_abs = 1e-1 , ftol_rel = -1, xtol_rel = -1, stopval = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), print_level = ifelse(interactive(), 3, 0), ranseed = 1), sys=syseq2, parms=parms, times=times, target = c(-parms$v,0), inits=c(N0, P0))

next_x0 = opt0_s$solution
next_x0 = c( 994.418947, -21566.367077 )  
opt_s <- nloptr_tr(x0 = next_x0, eval_f = shadshoot_deriv, lb=c(0, -1e5), ub=c(1e5, 0),
                   opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LN_SBPLX", maxeval=10000, xtol_abs = -1 , xtol_rel = -1, ftol_rel = -1, ftol_abs = -1, stopval = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), print_level = ifelse(interactive(), 3, 0), ranseed = 1), sys=syseq2, parms=parms, times=times, target = c(-parms$v,0), inits=c(N0, P0))

shad_shoot_trace = rbind(tracer(opt0_s), tracer(opt_s))
outtail = tail(tracer(opt_s), 500)

plot(log(outtail$fval), outtail$xval1)
plot(outtail$xval2, log(outtail$fval))
scatterplot3js(tracer(opt_s)$xval1, tracer(opt_s)$xval2, log(tracer(opt_s)$fval))

out_opt2 = lsoda(c(N = N0, P = P0, S1 = opt_s$solution[1], S2 = opt_s$solution[2]), times, syseq2, parms)

out2 = as.data.frame(out_opt2)
out_tidy2 = gather(out2, "variable", "value", -time)

ggplot(filter(out_tidy2, variable %in% c("N", "P", "h")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Population or Control level")) +

ggplot(filter(out_tidy2, variable %in% c("ddNdN", "ddPdN", "ddNdP", "ddPdP")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Derivatives")) +

ggplot(filter(out_tidy2, variable %in% c("S1", "S2")),
       aes(x=time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() +
  labs(list(x = "Time", y = "Shadow value")) +

ggplot(filter(out_tidy2, variable %in% c("dN", "dP", "dS1", "dS2")), aes(x = time, y=value, col=variable)) + 
  geom_line() + facet_wrap(~variable, ncol = 1, scales = "free")

noamross/spore documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:31 p.m.