Rclusterpp.package.skeleton: Create a skeleton for a new package that intends to use...

View source: R/Rclusterpp.package.skeleton.R

Rclusterpp.package.skeletonR Documentation

Create a skeleton for a new package that intends to use Rclusterpp


Rclusterpp.package.skeleton automates the creation of a new source package that intends to use features of Rclusterpp.

It is based on the RcppEigen.package.skeleton and executes package.skeleton internally.


Rclusterpp.package.skeleton(name = "anRpackage", list = character(), 
	environment = .GlobalEnv, path = ".", force = FALSE, namespace = TRUE, 
	code_files = character(), example_code = TRUE)



See package.skeleton


See package.skeleton


See package.skeleton


See package.skeleton


See package.skeleton


See package.skeleton


See package.skeleton


If TRUE, example C++ code using Rclusterpp is added to the package


In addition to package.skeleton :

The DESCRIPTION file gains a Depends line requesting that the package depends on Rcpp and Rclusterpp and a LinkingTo line so that the package finds Rcpp and Rclusterpp header files.

The NAMESPACE, if any, gains a useDynLib directive.

The src directory is created if it does not exists and a Makevars file is added setting the environment variable PKG_LIBS to accomodate the necessary flags to link with the Rcpp library.

If the example_code argument is set to TRUE, example files rclusterpp_hello_world.h and rclusterpp_hello_world.cpp are also created in the src. An R file rclusterpp_hello_world.R is expanded in the R directory, the rclusterpp_hello_world function defined in this files makes use of the C++ function rclusterpp_hello_world defined in the C++ file. These files are given as an example and should eventually by removed from the generated package.


Nothing, used for its side effects


Read the Writing R Extensions manual for more details.

Once you have created a source package you need to install it: see the R Installation and Administration manual, INSTALL and install.packages.

See Also

RcppEigen.package.skeleton package.skeleton


## Not run: 
Rclusterpp.package.skeleton( "foobar" )

## End(Not run)

nolanlab/Rclusterpp documentation built on Aug. 24, 2022, 5:41 p.m.